Unable to set currency of checkout created using Admin REST API

Unable to set currency of checkout created using Admin REST API

Shopify Partner
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Hi, a client of ours needs checkouts to be generated on the fly by our app due to complex pricing and bundling of custom items, which relies on an external data source (so checkout functions are not a viable option). We are accomplishing this using the Admin REST API (unfortunately the Storefront API is not suitable in this case, as it is not possible to override the discounts and pricing of line items). This works fine in the store's default currency (GBP), but when using other currencies, the created checkout is always in GBP. We are setting the `presentment_currency` property as documented here, but this has no effect.


Browsing the support forums, I found a thread referencing this issue from 2019. The suggestion there was to use the GraphQL API instead, but as mentioned this is not possible for our use case.


This is currently a blocker to the release of two major client stores - please could the Shopify team look into this bug? If it is not possible to fix the issue, does anybody know of a workaround that will allow us to set the currency of the checkout, but also retain full control of line-by-line pricing?

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