Unable to test post purchase extension locally

Unable to test post purchase extension locally

Shopify Partner
12 0 4

Hello all, 


I've followed the steps here (https://shopify.dev/apps/checkout/post-purchase/getting-started-post-purchase-extension#step-2-test-...) and:


1.) registered my post purchase extension with the code provided

2.) Served the extension using shopify extension serve

3.) Installed the local app extension to chrome

4.) Updated the chrome extension with the ngrok url from step 2

5.) Tried to checkout from my development store

6.) Saw the appended script query params being added to the checkout url

7.) No redirect occurs to the extension and nothing in logs, checkout goes directly to thank you page


Anyone who can solve this or point me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
12 0 4

Solved - was missing the step of enabling my app to control the post purchase flow in the dev stores checkout settings