Re: UpdateProductWithNewMedia It works in GraphQl Interface, but doesn't Work in c# routine

UpdateProductWithNewMedia It works in GraphQl Interface, but doesn't Work in c# routine

13 0 2


I've this mutation


mutation UpdateProductWithNewMedia($input: ProductInput!, $media: [CreateMediaInput!]) {
  productUpdate(input: $input, media: $media) {
    userErrors {

With this variables


  "input": {
    "id": "gid://shopify/Product/2022520586310",
    "descriptionHtml": "\n\nCaratteristiche Principali:\nNew 20% extra power**\n3x* Capture\n*Cattura 3 tipi di residui: polvere, peli/capelli e allergeni (provenienti da acari, ma anche da cani e gatti)\n**blocca il 20% in più di polvere rispetto allo Swiffer duster precedente\n\nPreparazione e Uso\nNon utilizzare su superfici calde.\n\nAvvertenze di sicurezza:\nTenere lontano dai bambini.\nA.I.S.E.\\n\n\nAssistenza clienti:\n Indirizzo produttore : Procter & Gamble S.r.l.\nViale Giorgio Ribotta, 11\n00144 Roma\nRestituire a :\n800 420 430\nProcter & Gamble S.r.l.\nViale Giorgio Ribotta, 11\n00144 Roma\n",
    "metafields": [
        "id": "gid://shopify/Metafield/36423331447107",
        "key": "updatedate",
        "namespace": "custom",
        "value": "2023-05-10",
        "type": "date"
    "productType": "Piumino Spolvero",
    "title": "Swiffer Duster XXL Starter Kit Catturapolvere (1 Manico + 2 Piumini per spolverare)",
    "vendor": "Procter & Gamble srl",
    "variants": [
        "barcode": "5410076291106",
        "sku": "10384",
        "weight": 167,
        "weightUnit": "GRAMS",
        "compareAtPrice": 0
  "media": [
      "alt": "Swiffer Duster XXL Starter Kit Catturapolvere (1 Manico + 2 Piumini per spolverare)",
      "originalSource": "URL",
      "mediaContentType": "IMAGE"
      "alt": "Swiffer Duster XXL Starter Kit Catturapolvere (1 Manico + 2 Piumini per spolverare)",
      "originalSource": "URL",
      "mediaContentType": "IMAGE"

Both the mutation and Variable are the Query and Variable Fields in a very simple c# routine



var graphQLClient = new GraphQLHttpClient(graphQLEndpoint, new NewtonsoftJsonSerializer());
graphQLClient.HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-Shopify-Access-Token", accessToken);
var mutation = new GraphQLRequest();
mutation.Query = "THE QUERY ABOVE";
mutation.Variables= "THE VARIABLE ABOVE";
var response = graphQLClient.SendMutationAsync<dynamic>(mutation).Result;

If I execute the GraphQl mutation with the shopify interface using the exact value returned by debuging every field, it works, but If I execute the c# routine return me some errors:

Field 'productUpdate' doesn't accept argument 'media'


Variable $media is declared by UpdateProductWithNewMedia but not used


But I've take the mutation from shopify official documentation
It's make me crazy



Replies 5 (5)

13 0 2

Obviusly both query and variables are passed as OBJECT not as a simple screen. In the same way of the mutation "CreateProductWithNewMedia" that works well

Shopify Staff
1830 273 417

Hey @CarloB 


I'm out of my depth with C# - will leave this for any other C# folks.


I quickly checked with GPT which said make sure the variables are an object (not a string) but you've noted you're already doing this. FWIW it provided some sample code:

// Define the input
var input = new {
    id = "gid://shopify/Product/2022520586310",
    descriptionHtml = "your description here",
    metafields = new [] {
        new {
            id = "gid://shopify/Metafield/36423331447107",
            key = "updatedate",
            namespace = "custom",
            value = "2023-05-10",
            type = "date"
    // Continue defining other parts of the input object

// Define media
var media = new[] {
    new { 
        alt = "Swiffer Duster XXL Starter Kit Catturapolvere (1 Manico + 2 Piumini per spolverare)",
        originalSource = "URL",
        mediaContentType = "IMAGE"
    new {
        alt = "Swiffer Duster XXL Starter Kit Catturapolvere (1 Manico + 2 Piumini per spolverare)",
        originalSource = "URL",
        mediaContentType = "IMAGE"

// Build the request
var mutation = new GraphQLRequest {
    Query = @"
    mutation UpdateProductWithNewMedia($input: ProductInput!, $media: [CreateMediaInput!]) {
        productUpdate(input: $input, media: $media) {
            userErrors {
    Variables = new { input, media }

var response = await graphQLClient.SendMutationAsync<dynamic>(mutation);

Let me know if you do find the issue.

Scott | Developer Advocate @ Shopify 

13 0 2

Thank you for your reply but your corde (very similar to mine) in response object return:

Variable $media is declared by UpdateProductWithNewMedia but not used


Field 'productUpdate' doesn't accept argument 'media'

13 0 2

the problem is in the api version!!!!

string graphQLEndpoint = "";


Shopify Staff
1830 273 417

Oh wow. Glad you found the issue!

Scott | Developer Advocate @ Shopify