A space to discuss GraphQL queries, mutations, troubleshooting, throttling, and best practices.
I've this mutation
mutation UpdateProductWithNewMedia($input: ProductInput!, $media: [CreateMediaInput!]) { productUpdate(input: $input, media: $media) { userErrors { field message } } }
With this variables
{ "input": { "id": "gid://shopify/Product/2022520586310", "descriptionHtml": "\n\nCaratteristiche Principali:\nNew 20% extra power**\n3x* Capture\n*Cattura 3 tipi di residui: polvere, peli/capelli e allergeni (provenienti da acari, ma anche da cani e gatti)\n**blocca il 20% in più di polvere rispetto allo Swiffer duster precedente\n\nPreparazione e Uso\nNon utilizzare su superfici calde.\n\nAvvertenze di sicurezza:\nTenere lontano dai bambini.\nA.I.S.E.\nwww.cleanright.eu\n\n\nAssistenza clienti:\n Indirizzo produttore : Procter & Gamble S.r.l.\nViale Giorgio Ribotta, 11\n00144 Roma\nRestituire a : www.swiffer.it\n800 420 430\nProcter & Gamble S.r.l.\nViale Giorgio Ribotta, 11\n00144 Roma\n", "metafields": [ { "id": "gid://shopify/Metafield/36423331447107", "key": "updatedate", "namespace": "custom", "value": "2023-05-10", "type": "date" } ], "productType": "Piumino Spolvero", "title": "Swiffer Duster XXL Starter Kit Catturapolvere (1 Manico + 2 Piumini per spolverare)", "vendor": "Procter & Gamble srl", "variants": [ { "barcode": "5410076291106", "sku": "10384", "weight": 167, "weightUnit": "GRAMS", "compareAtPrice": 0 } ] }, "media": [ { "alt": "Swiffer Duster XXL Starter Kit Catturapolvere (1 Manico + 2 Piumini per spolverare)", "originalSource": "URL", "mediaContentType": "IMAGE" }, { "alt": "Swiffer Duster XXL Starter Kit Catturapolvere (1 Manico + 2 Piumini per spolverare)", "originalSource": "URL", "mediaContentType": "IMAGE" } ] }
Both the mutation and Variable are the Query and Variable Fields in a very simple c# routine
var graphQLClient = new GraphQLHttpClient(graphQLEndpoint, new NewtonsoftJsonSerializer()); graphQLClient.HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-Shopify-Access-Token", accessToken); var mutation = new GraphQLRequest(); mutation.Query = "THE QUERY ABOVE"; mutation.Variables= "THE VARIABLE ABOVE"; var response = graphQLClient.SendMutationAsync<dynamic>(mutation).Result;
If I execute the GraphQl mutation with the shopify interface using the exact value returned by debuging every field, it works, but If I execute the c# routine return me some errors:
Field 'productUpdate' doesn't accept argument 'media'
Variable $media is declared by UpdateProductWithNewMedia but not used
But I've take the mutation from shopify official documentation
It's make me crazy
Obviusly both query and variables are passed as OBJECT not as a simple screen. In the same way of the mutation "CreateProductWithNewMedia" that works well
Hey @CarloB
I'm out of my depth with C# - will leave this for any other C# folks.
I quickly checked with GPT which said make sure the variables are an object (not a string) but you've noted you're already doing this. FWIW it provided some sample code:
// Define the input
var input = new {
id = "gid://shopify/Product/2022520586310",
descriptionHtml = "your description here",
metafields = new [] {
new {
id = "gid://shopify/Metafield/36423331447107",
key = "updatedate",
namespace = "custom",
value = "2023-05-10",
type = "date"
// Continue defining other parts of the input object
// Define media
var media = new[] {
new {
alt = "Swiffer Duster XXL Starter Kit Catturapolvere (1 Manico + 2 Piumini per spolverare)",
originalSource = "URL",
mediaContentType = "IMAGE"
new {
alt = "Swiffer Duster XXL Starter Kit Catturapolvere (1 Manico + 2 Piumini per spolverare)",
originalSource = "URL",
mediaContentType = "IMAGE"
// Build the request
var mutation = new GraphQLRequest {
Query = @"
mutation UpdateProductWithNewMedia($input: ProductInput!, $media: [CreateMediaInput!]) {
productUpdate(input: $input, media: $media) {
userErrors {
Variables = new { input, media }
var response = await graphQLClient.SendMutationAsync<dynamic>(mutation);
Let me know if you do find the issue.
Scott | Developer Advocate @ Shopify
Thank you for your reply but your corde (very similar to mine) in response object return:
Variable $media is declared by UpdateProductWithNewMedia but not used
Field 'productUpdate' doesn't accept argument 'media'
the problem is in the api version!!!!
string graphQLEndpoint = "https://provabernava.myshopify.com/admin/api/2023-10/graphql.json";
Oh wow. Glad you found the issue!
Scott | Developer Advocate @ Shopify