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Updating meta fields with GraphQL - conditionals possible?

Updating meta fields with GraphQL - conditionals possible?

Shopify Partner
29 2 10


I'd like to regularly update product metafields. Each product will have a fixed number of metafields. Between each update, new products will be created, so the inventory will include products which have and don't have these metafields.

Is there a possibility to create new metafields and update existing ones with a single GraphQL query? Or do I need first to find existing ones, then do one mutation for them incl. the metafield id, and another one for the new products?

Example for what I want to accomplish:

Before run

Product A, metafield-a: red

Product B, metafield-a: blue

Product C, // no metafields

After run

Product A, metafield-a: red

Product B, metafield-a: green // new value

Product C, metafield-a: yellow // new metafield

Right now I'm using following mutation to update fields:

mutation($input: ProductInput!) {
  productUpdate(input: $input) {
    product {
      metafields(first: 100) {
        edges {
          node {
    userErrors {
	"input": {
		"id": "gid://shopify/Product/123",
		"metafields": [
				"id": "gid://shopify/Metafield/456",
				"namespace": "product-description",
				"key": "wash",
				"value": "handwarm wash",
				"valueType": "STRING"

and another one without the line

"id": "gid://shopify/Metafield/456",

for the new products.

So can I have a kind of conditional logic within a GraphQL mutation or do need to handle this outside of the mutation?



Reply 1 (1)

7 0 2



Have you managed to find a solution to this problem by the way ?


Thank you !