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Re: App for Storefront Access

App for Storefront Access

Shopify Partner
33 0 3


I've created an app in my partner dashboard and the sole purpose of the app is to give my platform access to the Storefront API. My question is, do I need an interface of any kind in order to get the app verified or can I just redirect the user back to my platform once the app installed and their token is generated and stored in my database?

Thanks in advance,



Matthew Anderson | Shopify Expert | +44 20 3920 8081 |  support@yakety.co.uk |  https://yakety.co.uk | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
33 0 3

Wow 56 views and 0 replies. I'll just redirect and see if I get pulled up!

Matthew Anderson | Shopify Expert | +44 20 3920 8081 |  support@yakety.co.uk |  https://yakety.co.uk | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Shopify Staff
541 103 124

Hey @YaketyMatt 


Is this a public or private app? What is the purpose of the app / intended behavior? 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

Shopify Partner
33 0 3

Hi @vix, thanks for responding.

It's a public app. I intend to write a front end -> Shopify headless solution. From what I can work out I'll need to Authorise via a public app in order to do so. The app itself shouldn't have much use beyond that, except possibly to give control over permissions.

Given that you're working at Shopify, I don't suppose you know of another business that is using the full suite of API calls to provide headless commerce with Shopify do you?


Thanks in advance,



Matthew Anderson | Shopify Expert | +44 20 3920 8081 |  support@yakety.co.uk |  https://yakety.co.uk | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram