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App must be configured to use the Storefront API or as a Sales Channel.

App must be configured to use the Storefront API or as a Sales Channel.

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

i'm getting this error 

{"message":"Access denied for shopResourceFeedbackCreate field. Required access: `write_resource_feedbacks` access scope. Also: App must be configured to use the Storefront API or as a Sales Channel.","locations":[{"line":2,"column":2}],"path":["shopResourceFeedbackCreate"],"extensions":{"code":"ACCESS_DENIED","documentation":"https://shopify.dev/api/usage/access-scopes","requiredAccess":"`write_resource_feedbacks` access scope. Also: App must be configured to use the Storefront API or as a Sales Channel."}}

 when trying to create a storefront access token, this is the scopes from my shopify.app.toml


scopes = "read_products,write_products,read_customers,write_customers,read_orders,write_orders,unauthenticated_read_checkouts,unauthenticated_write_checkouts,unauthenticated_read_customers,unauthenticated_write_customers,unauthenticated_read_customer_tags,unauthenticated_read_content,unauthenticated_read_metaobjects,unauthenticated_read_product_listings,unauthenticated_read_product_tags,unauthenticated_read_selling_plans,unauthenticated_read_product_inventory,read_themes,write_resource_feedbacks"


the app is not a sales channel based on this https://shopify.dev/changelog/storefront-api-is-now-available-to-non-channel-apps and i can't find a way to configure it to use the storefront api


i can see this setting before selecting a distribution, however, after selecting app store distribution, it appears!

Screenshot 2023-06-13 at 5.59.50 PM.png



any ideas? 

Replies 2 (2)

Community Manager
3108 344 904

Hi Ahmed,

Are you using the StorefrontAccessToken resource to create the storefront access token?

Liam | Developer Advocate @ Shopify 
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Shopify Partner
72 1 25

Hi @Liam 


I try to use StorefrontAccessToken resource to create the storefront access token but I have error: 


App must be a channel or have unauthenticated scopes to create a storefront access token.


Scopes of my app:
- unauthenticated_write_checkouts

- write_checkouts

- read_themes

And debug:

query {
  appInstallation {
    accessScopes {


            [appInstallation] => Array
                    [accessScopes] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [handle] => read_themes
                                    [description] => Read theme templates and theme assets

                            [1] => Array
                                    [handle] => write_checkouts
                                    [description] => Modify checkouts

                            [2] => Array
                                    [handle] => unauthenticated_write_checkouts
                                    [description] => Modify checkouts

                            [3] => Array
                                    [handle] => read_checkouts
                                    [description] => Read checkouts

                            [4] => Array
                                    [handle] => unauthenticated_read_checkouts
                                    [description] => Read checkouts


Any ideas?