Dedicated to the Hydrogen framework, headless commerce, and building custom storefronts using the Storefront API.
I'm building a custom storefront using the storefront api while still using as much traditional routing as possible.
I'm logging my users in via the `customerAccessTokenCreate` Storefront API graphql mutation and a access token is being returned which I'm storing in localStorage.
mutation customerAccessTokenCreate($input: CustomerAccessTokenCreateInput!) {
customerAccessTokenCreate(input: $input) {
customerAccessToken {
customerUserErrors {
I use this token to retrieve a customers orders from the `customer` query. Within the order I'm returning a customerUrl which looks something like this: https://<shop-name>
query Orders($customerAccessToken: String!) {
customer(customerAccessToken: $customerAccessToken) {
orders(first: 250) {
edges {
node {
When I click this link I get redirected to a login page like the backend hasn't registered that a user has been logged in.
What am I doing wrong here please? I appreciate that the access token only authenticates the queries I'm running on the frontend, but how can I tell the route guard to let me past if I'm not doing the more traditional login? Could I add the access token to the URL?
Looks like for web users MultiPass is the only way?