Dedicated to the Hydrogen framework, headless commerce, and building custom storefronts using the Storefront API.
When the following mutation is invoked I get an error which returns an HTML response:
const graphQLClient = new GraphQLClient(endpoint as string, { headers: { "X-Shopify-Storefront-Access-Token": storefrontAccessToken, } as any, });
export async function addToCart(itemId: string, quantity: string) {
const createCartMutation = gql`
mutation createCart($cartInput: CartInput) {
cartCreate(input: $cartInput) {
cart {
const variables = {
cartInput: {
lines: [
quantity: parseInt(quantity),
merchandiseId: itemId,
try {
await graphQLClient.request(createCartMutation, variables);
} catch (error: any) {
// error happening in this catch
throw new Error(error);