Custom Storefront Payment Processing Request approved but new scope not enabled

Custom Storefront Payment Processing Request approved but new scope not enabled

New Member
6 0 0

Hi !


I have received an email saying my Custom Storefront Payment Processing Request had been approved.


However when I Iook at my access scopes, the `write_checkouts_payments` is still not there.


  scopes: [
    { handle: 'read_analytics' },
    { handle: 'write_customers' },
    { handle: 'write_discounts' },
    { handle: 'read_inventory' },
    { handle: 'read_locations' },
    { handle: 'write_products' },
    { handle: 'unauthenticated_read_product_listings' },
    { handle: 'unauthenticated_read_product_tags' },
    { handle: 'unauthenticated_read_product_inventory' },
    { handle: 'unauthenticated_write_customers' },
    { handle: 'unauthenticated_write_checkouts' },
    { handle: 'unauthenticated_read_content' },
    { handle: 'read_customers' },
    { handle: 'read_discounts' },
    { handle: 'read_products' },
    { handle: 'unauthenticated_read_customers' },
    { handle: 'unauthenticated_read_checkouts' }


Is there something I need to do in order to get it enabled?


Thanks in advance!



Replies 8 (8)

Shopify Staff
541 103 122

Hi Jeremy - 


I processed your request for the mobile app. Looks like two different API keys were submitted, but the form grouped by email, and assumed this was a duplicate. I've enabled the scope for the other API key. Give that a try and send me a DM if any issues. 


To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

New Member
6 0 0

Hi Vix,


Thanks for your help.


However I still see the same list of scopes when I request them, and using the `checkoutCompleteWithTokenizedPaymentV3` mutation still doesn't seem to create the order in the admin.


Am I missing something here ?


Thanks in advance for your help,


Shopify Staff
541 103 122
Can you please list the steps you are taking to create the checkout? Are any errors returned? Can you send over the request ID (found in response headers)

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

New Member
6 0 0

Thanks Vix,


A request id (gotten from the response) is `7b8d0ac4-7ad4-4dd9-95e5-5d2d070bbfa6`


The `checkoutUserErrors` field is an empty array.


I am performing the following steps:


  1. Create checkout with email, lineItems, shippingAddress and some custom attributes. ⚠ Note that this does not return the shopify_payments_account_id as indicated in the documentation


mutation checkoutCreate($input: CheckoutCreateInput!)​

2 .Get the first available shipping rate as default and update the checkout shipping line 



mutation checkoutShippingLineUpdate(
    $checkoutId: ID!
    $shippingRateHandle: String!

3.Customer adds card using the Stripe tokens endpoint and clicks on "Pay"

4.I call the complete checkout with tokenized mutation using the token gotten in 3) as "paymentData" and SHOPIFY_PAY as "type"



mutation checkoutCompleteWithTokenizedPaymentV3(
    $checkoutId: ID!
    $payment: TokenizedPaymentInputV3!




I get the following JSON, which suggests everything went well - but the order doesn't appear in the admin


"checkoutCompleteWithTokenizedPaymentV3": Object {
        "__typename": "CheckoutCompleteWithTokenizedPaymentV3Payload",
        "checkout": Object {
          "__typename": "Checkout",
          "id": "Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9DaGVja291dC83ZTRhZGFhYmU4MzdhMTlmNmEwNTFiODA3OGY3YTIwOT9rZXk9N2RmMGFlMWYyZTdlYzYzYjM1OGQxNTExZTg3ODc3YmY=",
          "ready": true,
        "checkoutUserErrors": Array [],
        "payment": Object {
          "__typename": "Payment",
          "errorMessage": null,
          "id": "Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9QYXltZW50LzIxODA3NjU5MDkxODA/Y2hlY2tvdXQ9N2U0YWRhYWJlODM3YTE5ZjZhMDUxYjgwNzhmN2EyMDkma2V5PTdkZjBhZTFmMmU3ZWM2M2IzNThkMTUxMWU4Nzg3N2Jm",
          "nextActionUrl": null,
          "ready": false,





Am I missing something here? 


Thanks a lot for your help !




Shopify Staff
541 103 122

Thanks Jérémy!


Are you intending to utilize Stripe as the provider? If so, there are some tweaks to be made. 

  • Follow the instructions listed here:
  • Make sure your payment gateway is setup in the store
  • Send me the returned stripe ID 
  • Once I receive that, there is some things I need to do on my end and then I will follow up. 
  • After that, you will get the shopify payments ID you are missing returned from the mutation
  • The type will also need to be updated to "type": "stripe_vault_token" and to utilize TokenizedPaymentInputV2

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

New Member
6 0 0

Hi Vix !


Thanks for your help. We're getting to the bottom of this 😄🙂


Here's the Stripe Account ID I can find in the docs: 



(This is for my sandbox, hopefully you can share a way for me to communicate the value for the production account more securely? ;))


Let me know if that's what you were looking for - awaiting your answer 🙂


Have a good day,



Shopify Staff
541 103 122

Thanks! @jgo2t 


I am going to send you a private message with next steps. Talk soon! 


To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

Hi Jérémy,


We are currently trying to get approval for write_checkouts_payments, however, we are facing push back, this is for a sales channel app.

What type of app where you building to and was what the process to get the access scope?



All the best,
