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Re: Fraud Prevention with Stripe Radar in Conjunction with Shopify StoreFront API

Fraud Prevention with Stripe Radar in Conjunction with Shopify StoreFront API

4 0 2

Hello, Shopify Team.

We're deep into the process of creating a wholly custom website that will leverage Shopify's Storefront API for the majority of the transactional heavy lifting. The client whom we're building this website for also has a Stripe account which includes a subscription to their Radar fraud prevention service. 

Since we've found great success with Stripe's Radar service, we'd ideally like to ensure that Radar's fraud prevention measures can be included in the flow of e-commerce transactions. In our research thus far into how Shopify might support such integration, we've come across this documentation snippet: https://shopify.dev/tutorials/create-a-checkout-with-storefront-api#stripe

In a nutshell, we're aiming for the following transactional flow: 

  1. Customer fills their cart and inputs all transactional information.
  2. We send a request to Stripe Radar to validate the order's authenticity and protect against fraud.
  3. Given the all clear, Stripe returns a token which we then use to send the finalized transaction to Shopify's Storefront API for completion.

We've looked into Shopify's own brand of fraud protection; however, our client's account is still deemed "not eligible." We've proceeded to sign up for the email notifications should we become eligible. Regardless, we'd still prefer to use Stripe's Radar product if at all possible in this scenario.

Unfortunately, we've been unable to get a clear "Yes, this type of transactional flow is possible." from either Shopify or Stripe. Would there be anyone who might know if this is possible? If so, might there be any documentation you could point us to?

Thank you.

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