Hey All!
- So, I'm working with a client that has a highly customizable product.
- The number of options (color, custom size, color, other options...) quickly make the standard limit of 100 variants far too restrictive.
- I've seen that there are a few apps that allow for the addition of many options, and to update pricing based on those options.
- I've been digging through the docs and the forum, and I can't find where it's allowed to send a custom price to the storefront API. I thought - maybe they're using the Admin API to generate a new product with all of the custom options on the fly, but that would quickly spam the store with thousands of products, right?
- Are they just using one "base" variant and then somehow storing the other customized data elsewhere?
- We would just use one of those apps, but we have a little challenge: we're wanting to use an API to the store owner's ERP system to generate the pricing. We can't just pre-program all of those options into one of the already existing Shopify Apps because the pricing for the product changes frequently based on materials and labor. The store owner updates that in their ERP system, and then the API allows pricing quotes to be generated based on configuration data.
Help! I'm happy to read a relevant post or documentation or whatever.