Dedicated to the Hydrogen framework, headless commerce, and building custom storefronts using the Storefront API.
Hey guys, need help with Shopify API - Price Rule (Discount).
I'm building a chatbot flow with Zapier and want to create a 24 hours, 30% off discount code only when user clicks "I want discount" button.
I'm a little lost on how do I do it.
How do I create a discount that is set for 24 hours from the time user clicks the button?
All the guides just reference creating a discount code without a time limit or time limit from the day I create the price rule (discount), that, how I understand, needs to be created prior.
Any help would be appreciated!
I went withGraphQL API and Zapier Weebhooks, and wrote the following in the Data field:
"query": "mutation discountCodeBasicCreate($basicCodeDiscount: DiscountCodeBasicInput!) { discountCodeBasicCreate(basicCodeDiscount: $basicCodeDiscount) { codeDiscountNode { codeDiscount { ... on DiscountCodeBasic { title codes(first: 10) { nodes { code } } startsAt endsAt customerSelection { ... on DiscountCustomerAll { allCustomers } } customerGets { value { ... on DiscountPercentage { percentage } } items { ... on AllDiscountItems { allItems } } } appliesOncePerCustomer } } } userErrors { field code message } } }",
"variables": {
"basicCodeDiscount": {
"title": "30% off Baby Model 24 Hrs Only",
"code": "{{_GEN_1707882510278__randomCode}}",
"startsAt": "{{_GEN_1707882510278__startDate}}",
"endsAt": "{{_GEN_1707882510278__endDate}}",
"customerSelection": {
"all": true
"customerGets": {
"value": {
"percentage": 0.3
"items": {
"all": true
"appliesOncePerCustomer": true
Where Code, StartsAt, EndsAt are pulled from previous step generated by JS.
Looks like this:
"code": CODE3753
"startsAt": 2024-02-13T21:17:32.991Z
"endsAt": 2024-02-14T21:17:32.991Z
I tried static data as well.
Added: write/read discount permissions in custom app.
API Version:
Failed to create a request in Webhooks by Zapier
Bad Request (HTTP Status Code: 400) 😢
install graphql as app inside your shopify store, and test the query there, then you can figure out what the problem is easily.