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How to use Shopify-Storefront-Private-Token and Shopify-Storefront-Buyer-IP in headers?


How to use Shopify-Storefront-Private-Token and Shopify-Storefront-Buyer-IP in headers?

Shopify Partner
2 1 1

As per https://shopify.dev/api/storefront#rate_limits 


If you use a server-side library, the IP address of the request will be your server’s address. To ensure your app is throttled correctly, use a delegate access token and pass it in the Shopify-Storefront-Private-Token header from server contexts. Requests using this authentication method can pass the buyer IP into the Shopify-Storefront-Buyer-IP header.


So when I pass Shopify-Storefront-Private-Token and Shopify-Storefront-Buyer-IP I get a 403 Forbidden error. Can anyone help me how to use delegate token to make a call using above method, as we are trying to implement and overcome Storefront API throttling issue as our request happens from one server.




Accepted Solution (1)

Shopify Partner
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Shopify Partner
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