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Re: Issues with Shopify CDN? - open image in one browser but not in another

Issues with Shopify CDN? - open image in one browser but not in another

New Member
4 0 0

Hi guys, we are trying to understand what's happing. We are an app that stores product images like this one: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0549/2342/8027/products/galaxy1_6ec0532f-cc6f-447e-bb37-0e3643232f...

and we sometimes are able to open it in the browser, sometimes not, and sometimes both 🙂 We feel like having a case of Schrodinger's cat.

Example: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0549/2342/8027/products/galaxy1_6ec0532f-cc6f-447e-bb37-0e3643232f...

On some browsers, we are able to open it, on another not. Some team members open it, some do not.  See video:


Any idea why and what is going on?

Replies 4 (4)

New Member
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New Member
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New Member
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1 0 0

How is this possible I have two stores that I am running here as you can see here but never faced any issue with the image display anywhere or in any browser you need to contact with the help center.