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Re: Line Item properties being replaced with [FILTERED]

Line Item properties being replaced with [FILTERED]

2 1 22

I started noticing today that the values of some of the properties that are set on line items are being replaced by the string [FILTERED]. This has never happened before. This happens to seemingly random properties.




This is the properties of a line item I just added to the cart.

Replies 34 (34)

6 0 3

This is happening to me as well! just this morning. I've been informed I need to hire a shopify expert, but it sure seems like a backend issue. Exactly the same. I log all my payloads, so I know that I'm sending this:


"type": "nl-add-to-cart",
"item": {
"quantity": "3",
"id": "999999999",
"properties": {
"Typeface": "Austin",
"House-numbers": "251",
"Orientation": "vertical"


and I get back confirmation like this:


"items": [
"id": "999999999",
"properties": {
"Typeface": "Austin",
"House-numbers": "251",
"Orientation": "vertical"
"quantity": "3",etc.


But then the attributes are randomly replaced with [FILTERED].


Makes it hard to fulfill orders.

1 0 2

Same issue here, due to this issue the Volume & Discount app is also not working because of this [FILTERED] property. Customers aren't even able to checkout because the volume discount is constantly changing from full price to discount and they receive they can't pay because the total price has changed... PLEASE SHOPIFY/INFINITE OPTIONS FIX THIS!

Shopify Partner
8 0 6

This is also happening for me. really messing up our packing lists. Following for updates...


Shopify Partner
11 0 11

Same for us - showing in checkout on product data, again causing real issues for our clients packing info.

Shopify Partner
3 0 1

Yeah this is also happening with line item properties. It seems to be happening between the cart and checkout and I can't find a pattern/rhyme/reason why

Shopify Partner
8 0 6

 "/cart.json" shows the correct line item property.

The checkout page for me is still showing the correct line item properties (both keys and values).

But when the order comes through, it turns to [FILTERED]

Shopify Partner
11 0 11

similar to us but all looking fine in cart but at checkout changes to [filtered] also on some products and not all and I just can't see a pattern


Shopify Partner
9 0 29

My best guess is it seems to be a privacy thing that was maybe rolled out too soon? And the random thing would maybe just be the detection of what is a private value is not perfect.

Shopify Partner
9 0 29

I've scoured the docs and the changelogs to find a clue. The nov 8th update talks about line item properties and shopify scripts but they are only for Shopify Plus stores. Maybe they rolled out an update alongside that that is affecting outside it's scope.

I've written to customer support and called them and they are looking into it.

Shopify Partner
1 0 3

Experiencing the same problem on my store. Any news from shopify on what might be going on?

1 0 4

Same problem here! Is there any update? 

Shopify Partner
2 0 4

Same Issue for me as well, Is there any update?


2 0 14

Happening to me as well. I sell custom products and every order has custom text line item property.

Even if a customer doesn't type anything to the text field, it can still show up as [FILTERED].


It works well in cart but in checkout and in Shopify orders dashboard it shows as [FILTERED].

It's a huge problem since I have to reach out to every customer to ask what they have typed if anything.

4 0 1


Any update? I don’t really want to email everyone as there are a lot of orders and not everyone replies 😕

Is there another way to view what they would have picked??? 

1 0 0

I am also having this issue.  I use Lucky Orange to record the customer activity in my shop.  I was able to view these recordings and see the selection, but I still verified with the customer.

2 0 6

Same exact issue, happened around 3 PM GMT, really annoying as it's random content each time and I can't fulfill orders. I've contacted shopify support and they told me to get in touch with developers but this is clearly a Shopify issue

1 0 1

Same issue here. Any update on a resolution?

1 0 1

Same issue.  Following for updates.

1 0 1

Literally same issue as what everyone described, never seen this in the 3 years of using Shopify.

Shopify Partner
8 0 6

One thing I can note is that the line item property values in question for me start with a space. the first character is a blank space. If that is a clue.


Shopify Partner
3 0 1

I found some values didn't work, but others do. ACE worked, THOR doesn't. Gold doesn't work, but Gold Accent does. We've had to modify some of our fields but there really isn't a great pattern besides trial and error we've found so far.

2 0 4

It looks like they fixed it around 3:45pm PT for new orders. We don't know what to do with old orders that pulled in [filtered]. Any thoughts?

Shopify Partner
3 0 1

Looks fixed on our end as well.

2 0 4

Any thoughts on how you are going to reconcile the old orders, or is there no need for you to do that?

1 0 3

Just received the following from Shopify support: 

While reaching out to my team, it was confirmed there is an ongoing issue where merchants see the  [FILTERED] text appearing on the item property line. Once an update has been made, I will follow up with you via email as well.

29 1 14

Hi ! 

Did you have updates from Shopify? Thank to let us know. Should I also open a ticket ? 

Shopify Partner
4 0 1

Happening with us as well. We use the custom property 'Delivery' which can have one of three values - DELIVERY/PICK-UP/RENTAL.

When the Delivery value is a pick-up or rental it works fine but when the Delivery value is DELIVERY, it is displayed as [FILTERED]

1 0 2

The same thing is happening to us when orders were coming through just fine the last couple of days.  Following for solution.

1 0 0

Had this happen to me too. Got really upset with my developer until we figured out this was a widespread issue. Now I feel bad.

I think it is now resolved but I hope this doesn't happen again later after Black Friday or it will be more serious.

Shopify Partner
12 0 6

Also happening here. Checked  "/cart.json"  and the properties are sent correctly. Couldn't find a pattern either, it's completely random words that get filtered. On random fields (inputs, dropdowns, etc.) Shopify were are you?? We need answers, this can't happen during holiday season!

1 0 0

I am having excatly the same issue. Some of my orders custom texts written as [FILTERED]. I was contacted to my app provider and they also confirmed this is related to shopify bug and is expected to be solved by shopify. 



1 0 0

hello! same thing is happening to me. when someone doesn't select a "bold app" option on certain products that shows. please help!

Shopify Partner
7721 678 1619

If this is still happening merchants with app development resources probably want to capture the cart data on the frontend and try to pipe it to an external datastore.

As it's possible if even something like this is correct the [FILTERED] text is permanent in the data and shopify can't recover the original info for some reason.


A quick redundancy may be add a hidden contact form that submits the users identifiable metrics and the cart data at the time of checkout. Assuming this [FILTERED] issue does not extend to the contact form system, if it does that method is moot.


The tricky bit of course is correlating that external data to the correct orders based on that externa data.

If the customer isn't logged in you have to assume any extra referring data you pass in a cart attribute might also get clobbered breaking a attempts matching things together for that redundant data.



Some off the shelf possibilities for merchants without development resources. 

Usemechanic might be able to facilitate this as long as you can correlate an order to the draft-order which should be easy if you require customers accounts to checkout. guest checkouts will be tricker to work out. 

Repurpose something like the following to log the data and not create a new checkout:



Another possibility is any apps that might allow cart tracking/sharing etc where you can view the cart contents for a customer account at some point regardless of successful checkout. If so then in any emails you send to the customer you can prefill some of the possible correct answers to lower friction on the customer side. 


 An interim goal for all of the above approaches should be that any emails you send to the customer about missing product info you can prefill some possible best guess to lower friction on the customer side.


Contact paull.newton+shopifyforum@gmail.com for the solutions you need

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4 0 1

its annoying because not everyone replies to your emails 😞 i now have 11 outstanding orders where the customers haven't replied back to me so I'm a little stuck what to do moving forward. I would normally text them but they don't have numbers attached to the orders.