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Not able to enter product within Merchandise

Not able to enter product within Merchandise

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

Dear Shopify Community,


I'm currently busy with setting up the queries for the cart of a customer. 


I want to get the products from the cart. My query has these fields: cart->lines->edges->node->merchandise-> product.

The query works and I get my data. But when I try to get to the merchandise part, there are no options to select .onProductVariant (just like at android). I can only call .self, because of this I can't get the products shown in the view. (see image)image.png


Let me know if you need more information.


Kind regards

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
67 12 27

You need to make sure in your actual Storefront GraphQL query you're including the fields, should look something like this:


query cart($id: ID!) {
  cart(id: $id) {
    lines(first: 50) {
      edges {
        node {
          merchandise {
            ... on ProductVariant {
              product {


Shopify Partner
2 0 0

Hi C10s,


My query looks like this:


But unfortunately, it is still not possible to reach the .onproductVariant.