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Re: Page Featured images

Page Featured images

4 0 1


I have made a headless CMS website using GatsbyJS with data from Shopify Storefront API. However, my non product / collection pages are currently generally hardcoded with the content they display i.e. the images and text are stored locally within Gatsby for pages like About, Contact us etc. I would like to move that content into Shopify pages so that my client can edit it easily. The main content of the page itself doesn't seem too problematic (although the fact there is just one content block per page isn't great), but the pages don't even seem to have a featured image like all other page types (blog posts, products, collections). 

So, questions - 
i) Is it possible to add featured images for pages?
ii) Can I create custom fields (without paying for some overpriced app to do something this basic) that are exposed via the storefront API? Perhaps using metafields?
iii) Failing the above, I guess I could use another CMS to hold this content? Anyone got any decent free ideas on that front? It's not something my client is likely to want to spend extra cash on given how basic it is.


Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
1873 184 903

Hi @cordial666 

Shopify pages are just a chunk of HTML and trying to make anything out of it or add some semantic order to it is rather futile.

Since you're already using Gatsby, simply use a headlessly CMS for managing your structured content - something like TinaCMS if you fancy something in react, simple and intuitive to use, and open source.

4 0 1

Thanks for the reply. I had come to that conclusion and was going to use Netlify CMS, but TinaCMS looks like an interesting and perhaps easier option.

Thanks again. 

Shopify Partner
1873 184 903

Yeah, Netlify CMS is great too. I don't think you'd go wrong with either if a simple CMS is what you're looking for. I only suggested TinaCMS because its codebase is somewhat smaller and easier to grok 🙂