Dedicated to the Hydrogen framework, headless commerce, and building custom storefronts using the Storefront API.
Hey guys,
so what i want to do is querying the products title with a search term and i expect to get all products containing the term somewhere in the title to be returned.
For example in the graphql explorer we have this product title: "3/4 SLEEVE CREWNECK PULLOVER"
I want this to be returned with the following query:
products(first: 250, query:"title:neck") {
edges {
node {
From the docs i can't figure out a way. I also read in this forum that there's only exact matching, so i won't get the product if the title only contains the term somewhere between, but there was a time when this worked. Is that right?
Any help is appreciated!
Hi Daniel,
Check out the docs here:
Take a look at Prefix query. This query should do what you are looking for:
products(first: 250, query:"title:*neck*") {
edges {
node {