Dedicated to the Hydrogen framework, headless commerce, and building custom storefronts using the Storefront API.
When trying to automate the payout reconciliation process using the Payout transaction endpoint of the Admin Rest API I noticed that some Shop Cash adjustments actually represent two or more shop cash transactions. This is a problem because the data body returned for the payout adjustment line only contains one order_id and there are no identifiers on the payout adjustment line to link it to the other order/s that may be reflected with that adjustment. Does anyone know of any way to tie the shop cash adjustment lines to the orders they should be applied to?
I am looking at the endpoint This is the documentation for the 2024-01 release candidate, and it looks like a new field called adjustment_order_transactions was added. This field seems to be exactly what you are looking for, it's an array of objects containing an order id, and an amount.