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Shopify Checkout API returns 400 Error while Passing Custom Properties to Line Itemms

Shopify Checkout API returns 400 Error while Passing Custom Properties to Line Itemms

Shopify Partner
1 0 0


I am trying to generate checkout page using Checkout API, it works great with line items and other stuff.

It returns me a 400 error when I try to create checkout with line items and their custom properties (Custom Properties means the optional data that we pass with line items).


Is checkout  API supported custom optional data with line items?


Shipping - Post Delay - Checkout - Google Chrome 2019-10-22 16.33.11.png


This my Request

$line_items = [
'variant_id' => 1232211231,
'quantity' => 1,
'properties' => [
'name' => 'asdasd',
'value' => 'asdsa'
'name' => 'asdasd',
'value' => 'asdsa'
= [
"checkout" => [
"email" => $request->input('job_email'),
"note" => $request->input('accounts_notes'),
'shipping_address' => [
"address1" => $request->input('ship_address'),
"address2" => '',
"city" => $request->input('ship_city'),
"company" => $request->input('ship_company'),
"country" => $request->input('ship_country'),
"last_name" => $request->input('ship_name'),
"province" => $request->input('ship_state'),
"zip" => $request->input('ship_zipcode'),
"phone" => $request->input('phone_number'),

'billing_address' => [
"address1" => $request->input('bill_address'),
"address2" => '',
"city" => $request->input('bill_city'),
"company" => $request->input('bill_company'),
"country" => $request->input('bill_country'),
"last_name" => $request->input('bill_name'),
"province" => $request->input('bill_state'),
"zip" => $request->input('bill_zipcode'),
"phone" => $request->input('phone_number'),

"line_items" => $line_items

= $this->shopifyProductsController->getShopify()->call([
'URL' => '/admin/api/2019-10/checkouts.json',
'DATA' => $data
Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
1843 210 488

properties field is an associative array, your line items should be assigned as follows:

$line_items = [
  "variant_id" => 1232211231,
  "quantity" => 1,
  "properties" => [
    "key1" => "value1",
    "key2" => "value2"
Sergiu Svinarciuc | CTO @ visely.io
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