Storefront api not able to access metafields and returning error.

Storefront api not able to access metafields and returning error.

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Hi, I am using the Storefront API to get the metafields through Shopify Buy SDK. I have already created metafield 

metafieldStorefrontVisibilityCreate object
mutation {
         input: {
              namespace: "abc"
              key: "xyz"
              ownerType: PRODUCTVARIANT
     ) {
            metafieldStorefrontVisibility {
userErrors {
very few times I am able to get the requested metafields information but may times I am not able to get the metafields information and giving the error like Uncaught Error: No field of name "metafields" found on type "ProductVariant" in schema. 
Can someone please help on this issue. 
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