Dedicated to the Hydrogen framework, headless commerce, and building custom storefronts using the Storefront API.
Hi, I'm using the Storefront API to fetch products for a particular vendor from my store. I have a few vendors whose names start with "Devpack" and one vendor who is named just "Devpack".
All these names being:
"Devpack A"
"Devpack A B"
"Devpack B"
"Devpack_C" (Yes it's an underscore instead of a space)
As visible in the screenshot, these vendors have the following products respectively:
"Bananas A"
"Bananas A B"
"Bananas B"
"Bananas C"
When I search for the first 100 products with vendor "Devpack", I get the correct results:
// GraphQL Query
query {
products(first: 100, query:"vendor:'Devpack'") {
edges {
node {
// Response
"data": {
"products": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"title": "Bananas"
The issue:
Now, when I want to search for products from the vendor "Devpack" and only those that have the word "Bananas" in their title, I get the following results:
// GraphQL Query
query {
products(first: 100, query:"vendor:'Devpack' title:*Bananas*") {
edges {
node {
// Response
"data": {
"products": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"title": "Bananas B"
"node": {
"title": "Bananas A"
"node": {
"title": "Bananas"
"node": {
"title": "Bananas A B"
1. Observe that I now get results from all vendors that "contain" the word "Devpack" instead of exactly matching "Devpack". This happens as shown above when I append title=*Bananas* to the query.
2. Also, only products from vendors which have the exact word "Devpack" in their vendor name show up. Notice that "Bananas C" from vendor "Devpack_C" doesn't show up as expected.
Expected Behaviour:
I would expect Shopify to only return "Bananas" from vendor "Devpack" when my query is "vendor:'Devpack' title=*Bananas*" and not from all vendors that contain the exact word "Devpack" such as "Devpack A", "Devpack B" and "Devpack A B".
As per the documentation here, "vendor:'Devpack' title=*Bananas*" is the same as"vendor:'Devpack' AND title=*Bananas*" so I'm guessing that's not the issue here. I've confirmed this by adding an "AND" in my query and I get the same results.
For now, my solution is to never have spaces in my vendor names and always use underscores. But I'm not sure if this is a failproof solution and the right approach. Please let me know.
Thank you.