Stuck on redirect to order completion page after making payment using headless Storefront API

Stuck on redirect to order completion page after making payment using headless Storefront API

Shopify Partner
7 0 2

I'm using the Storefront API for a headless FrontEnd.

This issue only happens when using ShopPay. When checking out with just a card, and not ShopPay, it completes and displays the Shopify Order Completion Page.


I'm creating a cart using the graphql "cartCreate", using "getCart". This generates a cart.checkoutUrl.  Items are added to this URL, then the customer is redirected to the url. The customer selects "ShopPay", authenticates with ShopPay, makes a payment. The payment is made, the order is placed, the customer gets an email. However, the URL in the browser is:  " and it sits there with a spinner and a "Wait while we redirect you." text.


In development (bogus payment gateway), it would show the Shopify order completion screen.

When in production, using ShopPay and a real payment gateway, it shows this "Wait while we redirect you".

I would like to have it send the users to the standard Shopify order completion screen.  Is there a config step that I missed?

redirection page, that it gets stuck on:


The Shopify Order Completion Page that I want:


Replies 5 (5)

9 0 0
It's giving a bogus gateway and redirect because the invoice for the shop
store hasn't been paid yet I can't pay a bill if I can't see it or have
access to it
Darel M McDonald Sr
Shopify Partner
7 0 2

The money gets taken from the live credit card (performs a live transaction). The shopify store bill has been paid. Going the conventional Shopify Route (non-store-front api) works.

Shopify Partner
7 0 2

Update: I ran through more scenarios. This seems to be isolated to:

Headless "Shopify Cart API" using "ShopPay" on a "subscription product, backed by Recharge", stalls at redirecting, after a 3DS2 check. It only happens when purchasing a Recharge Subscription product using the Shopify Storefront API and Shop Pay


Scenario 1: Not working
"Shopify Product (subscription recharge)" -> add to cart (via api) -> redirect to checkout URL -> Shopify Checkout Page -> login to ShopPay account -> continue checkout -> 3DS2 Check (which goes via Stripe) -> approve -> Hangs at "Wait while we redirect you"


Scenario 2: Not working
"Shopify Product (subscription recharge)" -> add to cart (via api) -> redirect to checkout URL -> Shopify Checkout Page -> login to ShopPay account -> continue checkout -> 3DS2 Check (which goes via Stripe) -> cancel transactions -> Hangs at "Wait while we redirect you"


Scenario 3: Working
"Shopify Product" -> add to cart (via api) -> redirect to checkout URL -> Shopify Checkout Page -> login to ShopPay account -> continue checkout -> 3DS2 Check (which goes via Stripe) -> approve -> displays "Shopify Order Complete page"


Scenario 4: Working
"Shopify Product" -> add to cart (via Shopify Store Page - with recharge widget on it) -> redirect to checkout URL -> Shopify Checkout Page -> login to ShopPay account -> continue checkout -> 3DS2 Check (which goes via Stripe) -> approve -> displays "Shopify Order Complete page"


Scenario 5: Working
"Shopify Product" -> add to cart (via api) -> redirect to checkout URL -> Shopify Checkout Page -> manually enter details and card -> continue checkout -> displays "Shopify Order Complete page" -> displays "Shopify Order Complete page"

Shopify Partner
7 0 2

Another Update.


Pressing "back" in the browser twice, then displays the "shop pay screen with card details", then it automatically redirects to the "Order is Complete page":

Shopify Partner
7 0 2

I generated 2 checkouts, with the same subscription product:
1. through the normal shopify site
2. through the Frontend API

I queried the `/admin/api/2022-04/checkouts/` API

The only difference between the two is: the "source_name". I think the "source_name" might be triggering the 3DS2 check since it's coming from the storefront API. The 3DS2 check is not redirecting properly. When using the regular Shopify checkout, I don't hit 3DS2.