Dedicated to the Hydrogen framework, headless commerce, and building custom storefronts using the Storefront API.
I'm using the Storefront API for a headless FrontEnd.
This issue only happens when using ShopPay. When checking out with just a card, and not ShopPay, it completes and displays the Shopify Order Completion Page.
I'm creating a cart using the graphql "cartCreate", using "getCart". This generates a cart.checkoutUrl. Items are added to this URL, then the customer is redirected to the url. The customer selects "ShopPay", authenticates with ShopPay, makes a payment. The payment is made, the order is placed, the customer gets an email. However, the URL in the browser is: " and it sits there with a spinner and a "Wait while we redirect you." text.
In development (bogus payment gateway), it would show the Shopify order completion screen.
When in production, using ShopPay and a real payment gateway, it shows this "Wait while we redirect you".
I would like to have it send the users to the standard Shopify order completion screen. Is there a config step that I missed?
redirection page, that it gets stuck on:
The Shopify Order Completion Page that I want:
The money gets taken from the live credit card (performs a live transaction). The shopify store bill has been paid. Going the conventional Shopify Route (non-store-front api) works.
Update: I ran through more scenarios. This seems to be isolated to:
Headless "Shopify Cart API" using "ShopPay" on a "subscription product, backed by Recharge", stalls at redirecting, after a 3DS2 check. It only happens when purchasing a Recharge Subscription product using the Shopify Storefront API and Shop Pay
Scenario 1: Not working
"Shopify Product (subscription recharge)" -> add to cart (via api) -> redirect to checkout URL -> Shopify Checkout Page -> login to ShopPay account -> continue checkout -> 3DS2 Check (which goes via Stripe) -> approve -> Hangs at "Wait while we redirect you"
Scenario 2: Not working
"Shopify Product (subscription recharge)" -> add to cart (via api) -> redirect to checkout URL -> Shopify Checkout Page -> login to ShopPay account -> continue checkout -> 3DS2 Check (which goes via Stripe) -> cancel transactions -> Hangs at "Wait while we redirect you"
Scenario 3: Working
"Shopify Product" -> add to cart (via api) -> redirect to checkout URL -> Shopify Checkout Page -> login to ShopPay account -> continue checkout -> 3DS2 Check (which goes via Stripe) -> approve -> displays "Shopify Order Complete page"
Scenario 4: Working
"Shopify Product" -> add to cart (via Shopify Store Page - with recharge widget on it) -> redirect to checkout URL -> Shopify Checkout Page -> login to ShopPay account -> continue checkout -> 3DS2 Check (which goes via Stripe) -> approve -> displays "Shopify Order Complete page"
Scenario 5: Working
"Shopify Product" -> add to cart (via api) -> redirect to checkout URL -> Shopify Checkout Page -> manually enter details and card -> continue checkout -> displays "Shopify Order Complete page" -> displays "Shopify Order Complete page"
Another Update.
Pressing "back" in the browser twice, then displays the "shop pay screen with card details", then it automatically redirects to the "Order is Complete page":
I generated 2 checkouts, with the same subscription product:
1. through the normal shopify site
2. through the Frontend API
I queried the `/admin/api/2022-04/checkouts/` API
The only difference between the two is: the "source_name". I think the "source_name" might be triggering the 3DS2 check since it's coming from the storefront API. The 3DS2 check is not redirecting properly. When using the regular Shopify checkout, I don't hit 3DS2.