Change font to App Translate and adapt Hebrew

Change font to App Translate and adapt Hebrew

New Member
13 0 0


I use Testament Theme. I added App Translate and Adapt. I chose Hebrew as a second language. App does not support Hebrew, but there is a manual option that will insert the content. I started to do it but I saw that App does not allow changing the font in Hebrew. How can I change the font in the store in this app?


Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
285 19 86

Hello @BenittaM ,


Maybe there is something wrong occur when you install the app, because Shopify Translate and Adapt do support Hebrew language. Can you provide a more detail context so we can know the problem clearer?



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New Member
13 0 0


App supports Hebrew but the content has to be entered manually. The problem is that there is no possibility in the application to change the font that is in the Hebrew. There is only one font in it that is not suitable for an online store. The question is how to change the font?

Thank you


Shopify Staff
40 6 19

Hi there, you are right that Translate & Adapt doesn't support auto-translation of Hebrew but you can manually translate it. Part of the reason is because Shopify's default themes do not support RTL (right to left) yet.


For your question about font switching I'd suggest one of two solutions:

1. Choose a font for your theme that has both Hebrew and English (or other languages you use). That will help you make sure that content is displayed well in both.

2. Code a customer css font in the theme here's a youtube tutorial for this

Shopify currently doesn't have an easy way to choose different fonts for different markets or languages but that is definitely something we are looking at.

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.