Re: Configure Markets and Currencies for International Commerce


Configure Markets and Currencies for International Commerce

2 1 0



I created a store and want to sell all over the world.
The default market was selected as Brazil.
I also added Internacional and Oceania, totaling 3 markets.


Captura de tela 2024-02-19 121912.png


I would like to:

  1. change the primary market, from Brazil to International;
  2. change Brazil's currency to BRL;
  3. set Oceania currency to AUD;
  4. configure a domain for .com/pt

I can't change the default market at all.

And when trying to change the markets currency, it asks to enable Shopify Payments, but I believe it is not enabled for me (Brazil). I am currently using Stripe as my payment method.


Captura de tela 2024-02-19 121926.png


Can anyone help me?

Thank you very much!

Accepted Solution (1)

2 1 0

This is an accepted solution.

As Shopify support said, all my questions is related with Shopify Payments, that is not available in Brazil, where is my Default market, assigned by my IP address... 😞

View solution in original post

Reply 1 (1)

2 1 0

This is an accepted solution.

As Shopify support said, all my questions is related with Shopify Payments, that is not available in Brazil, where is my Default market, assigned by my IP address... 😞