How can I automatically adjust international shipping rates on my store?

How can I automatically adjust international shipping rates on my store?

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I wanted to set up my store for international shipping but I encountered a few problems.

First of all, I see that I can enter my own shipping rates in-store setting for every country I want to sell in, but that's not a problem. Problem is that shipping price on AliExpress for every country for every product are different. I can set my shipping rates to charge a customer an additional 5$ for shipping but for some products, shipping is below that, and for some products, shipping is much more than that. 

So, my question is - Is there any way to automatically copy shipping prices for AliExpress (for example) or some kind of application on Shopify App Store that could help me resolve this kind of a problem.





Reply 1 (1)

Community Moderator
211 61 123

Hi @MilosRodic,


Thank you for sharing the context of your inquiries in the Community!


Great thinking! While every supplier works with their chosen fulfillment services, the shipping may differ from methods or destinations based on their individual agreement. The shipping fluctuation has uncontrollable factors by nature and it is a common limitation when running a dropshipping business. Moving forward, I would suggest using flat rates to even out the loss on some orders and gain on the others in the long term.


Do you mind sharing a bit more about your products? For example, is it a general store with more than 10k products or a niche store targeting a particular customer base? With that information provided, we can help suggest a tailored solution for your business. 


I hope the information answers your question!

Jasoh | Community Moderator @ Shopify 
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