How can I change the 'Buy it now' button text for different languages?

How can I change the 'Buy it now' button text for different languages?

3 0 0

How can I localize "Buy it now" button in dawn theme?

I want it to show different texts for two versions of my shop: Russian and Hebrew.


And one more question: how to apply RTL direction of the text? In order to change direction in only one of version - in Hevrew version.

Replies 10 (10)

Shopify Partner
285 19 87

Hello @Andrey_tea ,

We are Transcy - a powerful translator and currency converter.


To localize the "Buy it now" button in different languages, it may need some technical skills. However, you can consider to learn about us here . With Transcy, you can skip the complex steps and localize your button in just few simple steps. 


And for the question how to apply RTL direction of the text, you can try following these steps:

1. Go to Online store -> Themes -> Click Action -> Choose Edit code

2. Navigate the "assets" folder and open the "theme.scss.liquid" file.

3. Add this code at the bottom of the file

[data-direction="rtl"] {
  direction: rtl;

4. Save changes and go to the "theme.scss.liquid" file.

5. Go to the "locales" folder and open the language file for the Hebrew language ("he.json").

6. Find the key for the "Buy it now" button text and add a new key-value pair for the direction of the text. Example: 

"add_to_cart": {
  "text": "לקנייה עכשיו",
  "direction": "rtl"

7. Save and go to the "sections" folder and open the "product-template.liquid" file.

8. Find the code for the "Buy it now" button and add the "data-direction" attribute to set the direction of the text. For example:

<button type="submit" name="add" id="add-to-cart" class="btn btn--secondary-accent{% if section.settings.enable_payment_button %} btn--payment{% endif %}" data-direction="{{ 'add_to_cart.direction' | t }}">
   {% include 'icon-bag' %}
   {{ 'add_to_cart.text' | t }}

9. Save and test.


Hope these informations will help you out. Don't be hesitate to contact us if you need any further support. Please hit the Like Button or mark this as Accepted Solution to let us know is this is useful, it encourage us a lot.


Best regards,

Transcy by OneCommerce.

Transcy - The #1 Translation and Currency Converter
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3 0 0

I couldn't find the way how to localize buy in now button using your App

316 10 38

Have you tried contacting Shopify support?

Online Sneaker Store - Soleseriouss

Shopify Staff
652 96 168

Hey @Andrey_tea , 'Buy it now' cannot be edited unfortunately, however it should be translated by Shopify for Hebrew and Russian. Are you still having this problem?


RTL is not currently natively supported by Dawn, but it is under consideration.

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

Shopify Partner
5 2 1

I am facing the same issue with Bulgarian. Can we file an issue for a translation of the "Buy it now" button? How to do so?
Currently, I am using this workaround. 

Shopify Staff
40 6 19

I'm going to look into this and get back to you on that

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

1 0 1

Could you translate into Ukrainian 

Shopify Staff
40 6 19

I will be looking into it!

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

1 0 0

Need Latvian as well.

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

Could you please translate Buy it now to Ukrainian? Very confusing for customers. They have no idea how to check out.