How can I effectively translate customer notifications?

How can I effectively translate customer notifications?

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Hello all! I'm having a major issue with our Shopify notifications. Since we are services and not an item to an international market and the orders confirmation emails that are included in Shopify are totally unsuitable for our needs.

I've changed my url to match this English one to suit my preferences I have tried to modify the Spanish one, following a tutorial , but when in a test run, I noticed that the code was not used.

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
40 6 19

If I understand the problem correctly you've edited your English notifications and you want the Spanish ones to follow through but at the moment they are different.


Since Spanish is a very popular language Shopify has these notifications translated by defualt. If you want them to inherit from your English translations you'll need to export a CSV from admin > languages > export. Go to the notifications section, delete all the default Spanish ones. Import it back to your admin. Then translate the English notifications with Translate & Adapt.


That will help you get Spanish translations of your English notifications.

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.