How can I manage multiple legal entities on one website?

How can I manage multiple legal entities on one website?

3 0 2

We have multiple legal entities (and inventory locations) in EU and UK. We would ideally like to have one customer facing website that can direct the sales to the right legal entity and fulfil from the right inventory location. Please advise what options are available. Are there any Apps available to help with this? Could this type of interface be programmed if nothing is available?

Replies 6 (6)

1 0 3

Hi there, I'm just commenting to say that we have the exact same issue and we are very kin to get an answer from Shopify

New Member
4 0 0

Hi I have a similar question.  Did you ever sort out an answer?

2 0 0

It’s not possible. We ended up creating two separate Shopify stores. One linked to with our European entity and one linked to with our UK entity. We then used the Geolocation redirects app to automatically redirect UK users landing on to This set up works, but it does mean you need to do double the work to update the website design or product information. We’re a small store, so it’s not a giant pain.

New Member
4 0 0

Thank you for the quick reply.  How are you managing inventory between the same store?  Are both stores linked to 1 pool of inventory?


2 0 0

Since we physically have two warehouses and two separate entities, and basically only sell products to UK customers via our UK entity from our UK warehouse, there’s no overlap between markets. Each Shopify store has it’s own inventory. If you did want to see all your inventory in one place, Imm pretty sure a free app like Veeqo could do that for you.

New Member
4 0 0

thank you!