How can I manually modify language translations in the PORTO 4.0 theme?

How can I manually modify language translations in the PORTO 4.0 theme?

New Member
5 0 0

Using the Translate & Adapt APP with the third party PORTO 4.0 theme some fields / texts are not identified. Yet they are translated (but not in the right way). Is it possible to manually intervene in the translations by modifying the source code? How do I access the HTML source code of the translated pages? In the source code of the PORTO 4.0 theme I cannot act on the pages translated into the language because they are not visible.

Otherwise: is it possible to access a vocabulary file where you can manually act on all the translations?


Thanks everyone for an answer.

Replies 9 (9)

Shopify Staff
652 96 169

Hi there, Rich from the product team here. Where you have said they are translated but not in the right way, and can you manually intervene: all translations can be modified in the Translate & Adapt editor. It sounds like these might be part of the theme, in which case head to Theme Assets (Apps > Translate & Adapt > select Theme Assets) or perhaps Theme Sections and you should be able to find the relevant strings to change. You can also export the translations CSV (Settings > Languages > Export) to find the relevant content, then edit and reupload.

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

New Member
5 0 0
Hi, thank you for your reply.
I solved the problem but i became crazy!
The translation app is for sure a great thing, but happen that it
translates parts of source code, not only the texts!!!
That was the problem, and to find where It Is i had to review a lot of
It seems the problem was related to source code into brachets.
I hope this can help someeone else or to fix the problem with the app.

Best regards

Marco Rollando
Shopify Staff
652 96 169

Hey Marco, would you be able to share a screenshot of what you found? Feel free to share directly with me if you prefer. The app should not translate source code so we'll check and confirm. Thanks

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

New Member
5 0 0
Sure, please find attached an error example.
It's a part of the file i exported from SHOPIFY to check translations.
I added italian language to my shop but it was appearing not like english
As you can see it translated attirbutes liks COLOURS, etc... in italian!
And they didn't work like that.
I had to fix it manually.

I hope it can help.

Have a nice day

Shopify Staff
652 96 169

Thanks Marco - I can't see the attachment unfortunately. Are you able to add a screenshot? Or email it to me. Thanks so much

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

New Member
5 0 0
[image: image.png]
Shopify Staff
652 96 169

Unfortunately this is what I see:





However feel free to email me at

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

New Member
5 0 0
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Shopify Staff
652 96 169

Hi Marco, this definitely looks like HTML in the theme has been auto-translated in error. A fix has been pushed in this area this week, could you try and again and see if the same still happens? If so please provide screenshots to here or to my email and we'll investigate. Thanks, Rich

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.