Re: How to change email language for draft orders.

How to change email language for draft orders.

New Member
4 0 0

My standard market has the primary language as Dutch.

But when I make a draft order, the email language is not in English, not in Dutch, while trough the store it is in Dutch.

How can I change that to Dutch for the draft orders, so it is the same as for online store?

Replies 5 (5)

Shopify Staff
652 96 170

Hi @PimMartensBIY , I'll look into this and come back to you. What is your store default language, is it English? (The default language on Settings > Languages)

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

New Member
4 0 0

Hello @richbrown_staff.

The default language is set in Dutch.

Thanks in advance for looking in to this!

Shopify Staff
652 96 170

Hi @PimMartensBIY , ok here's how you do it. The language the draft order is sent in is dependent on the customer's locale. This can be set when setting up a customer, or changed on an existing one. One glitch is that currently the email subject is in the store's default language, but you can delete / put whatever you want in that box. You'll then see when you preview the email that it'll be in the customer's language.


Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 15.25.24.png

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

1 0 0

Hi @richbrown_staff ,


How can we set this up so all agents view the language options on customer profiles? We are not able to unlock that option for users that aren't full admins, which is a bit poblematic for us.


Thanks for the insight.

Shopify Staff
652 96 170

Hi @CatherineD , according to this doc a user needs Manage settings permission. Is there a level of user you can accept giving that scope to but not full admin rights?

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.