How to enable purchases from abroad without shipping

How to enable purchases from abroad without shipping

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I am selling fresh food products with local pickup only (no shipping). I am located in Belgium, and only want to sell to local customers, but I've already had different scenarios where my customers are accesing the website from abroad (in one case they were traveling and wanted to place an order, in another case they were using their work PC that connects via a VPN from the Netherlands)


Also,  some parts of France and the Netherlands are very close by, and it is conceivable that some customers living in those countries might want to place an order and pick it up.


Currently if I enable International sales it forces me to create a shipping option, and if I don't enable International sales these customers cannot place an order.


Is there any way to configure Shopify so that anybody can place an order with local pickup, wherever they are?

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
64 12 13

Hi @xquesada,


I don't know about the forced shipping option, but with regards to your last question it seems like this used to be possible but was recently removed. See

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