Re: Selling in USA

How to sell on a USA Shopify site as a UK resident without a SSN?

3 0 0

Hi there,

I am based in the UK and recently set up USA shopify site to sell in USD. Now I'm being asked to provide a social security number but I'm not US Tax Resident. Can anyone advise what they did to solve this issue.

Thanks in advance,


Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Staff
21 2 15

Hey Tom, you do not need to setup a US site to sell in USD. You can keep your store in UK and sell in multiple currencies. If you want to set the base currency of your store to USD, you can also do that while getting paid out in GBP

Product Lead, Global Commerce and Sales Tax
3 0 0
Hi unfortunately that is not correct as Google would not allow us to add
Google Shopping listings in US without currency being USD NOT GBP :((