Global expansion, localizing content, and selling in multiple currencies and languages
Shopify merchants can now control their international prices by country/region. When using Shopify Payments in multiple currencies, you will now see the option to add price adjustments by country (Shopify Plan and above), or you can also set specific prices per product, per country/region using a CSV file upload (Shopify Advanced and Plus plans):
To provide accurate location based recommendations to international buyers, and allow your buyers to switch pricing between countries or regions, we recommend using Shopify's Geolocation app, which I am happy to answer any questions about as well. We will soon be adding the ability to build country selectors directly into themes, and adding them to all of Shopify's themes on the theme store.
In addition to region specific pricing, Shopify can now also display prices on your storefront either including or excluding taxes depending on where your buyers are from. For example if you're selling to buyers in the US, all product pricing remains exclusive of taxes on the storefront, and then added at checkout based on where the buyer is shipping to. However in markets like the UK, Europe, and Australia where buyers expect to see an all inclusive price, prices can be displayed including any applicable local taxes on the storefront, so there are no surprises when those buyers get to checkout.
To make sure your buyers are seeing prices accurately either including or excluding tax based on their market, enable the location based tax setting in your admin under Taxes --> Settings:
You can review the countries/regions that have tax inclusive pricing enabled when this setting is checked in our documentation.
If you have any questions or feedback about this new feature, reply below as we’d love to hear from you. If you looking for troubleshooting support please get in touch with our support team, or create a new topic providing as much detail as possible.
Cole | Product @Shopify
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Thanks for your update on this new feature. I am curious as to just how much is possible within this new feature. I understand that via the geolocation app users will see pricing based upon either currency conversion or fixed prices via CSV which will be very helpful and avoid the need for multi-store set up and all the extra work that necessitates.
Is it also possible with some development to do the following. If you have three warehouses located for example in UK, EU, and US and is it then possible to show a message to confirm that their item will be shipped from the local warehouse and without further duty. I ask this as at the moment shipping from UK to EU incurs charges and other issues whilst if we ship from our Irish location which is within the EU then no duty is incurred or paid by the customer. It would be optimal if a pop up be triggered (could be achieved via Klaviyo or many other apps) and also possibly a note on product page plus finally a note at checkout further reinforcing 'no duty' message. I understand that this International Pricing option is not to completely negate the need for stores when they need to be quite different though hope that this work around I describe is possible.
Hey @seanysean! Thanks for your message.
Customizing such content per country is one of the next problems we are looking solve. Today you can achieve this through Liquid to a certain extent - based on the domain someone is browsing when using international domains, you can customize the content that is displayed using the liquid filter. But we will be looking to make this far less complex moving forward.
There are several pieces to this, but inventory on the storefront and in checkout will be the first piece we look at. Today displaying inventory by location on the storefront is possible through the API, but not through themes or Liquid.
Cole | Product @Shopify
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We are about to implement the Internation Pricing One Store set up.
Do you have any advice on SEO, site maps, href leng, etc etc.
Hey @seanysean, great!
I'd recommend creating an international domain for each country/region that you want to specifically target. E.g. if your home market is the US on and you're going to use international pricing to target the UK, use international domains to add or into your domain settings.
When you do this, Shopify handles all SEO for you automatically - including hreflang tags and site map generation. The only thing you would need to do is submit the sitemap for your new domain(s) into Google Search console.
Cole | Product @Shopify
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@seanysean international domains and offering country selection aren't dependent on one another - you can offer country selection in a drop down list without an international domain (e.g. someone on a US site wants to switch to CAD for Canada, but there might not necessarily be a unique domain for Canada).
This would be my recommendation:
Let me know if you have any more questions.
Cole | Product @Shopify
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Thanks for your reply. We are experiencing some issues with geolocation app conflicting with our theme at present however of your colleagues are helping us with that. I note your comments regarding domains and crawl budget etc. If you don’t mind I will keep you up to date on progress 👍🏻
Thanks for your reply.
We have eventually got the geolocation app to work.
However, we are now getting reports of conflicting href lag tags for example with two countries that have french language eg Vietnam and France. I understand that Shopify creates sitemaps and href lang tags so unsure as to why this is happening.
However in general I get your point 2 and we can certainly reduce the number of subdomains by a lot and indeed we could operate quite happily across all international sites with just English. It is the currency that is much more important to us.
Sorry, but this is ridiculously misleading. I'm surprised every time Shopify staff announces something in conjecture with Shopify Payments, they conveniently forget the fact that Shopify merchants come from 100+ country where Shopify Payments isn't supported and generalize by saying "Shopify merchants".
For anyone coming in here new, this entire thread is applicable to only those merchants who are from 17 countries supported by Shopify for Shopify payments.
Hello Sean,
Do you run the risk of being flagged by google for "duplicate content" if you use International Domains?
Sorry, this was directed to Cole...
Hey there,
I have been trying to switch from running two regional websites and it looks like these feautures may work to do that for me. I had a question about functionality though,
If I use regional subdomains for my US and Canadian prices. I am aware that you can set up an automatic redirect to put the shopper on the right page with the right currency. Can you remove the dropdown currency selector though? I want people to see the prices in their respective countries but it seems like the selector is always there with multicurrency allowing customers to see prices in other countries which I don't really want them to be able to do.
Any insight would be appreciated!
You can remove currency selector by removing the relevant liquid code snippet. I am not sure if it is possible without delving into code.
Hi @LibertineFragra,
We'd recommend keeping a country selector in the footer of your site. IP address detection and automatic redirection are not correct 100% of the time, and you should always leave your customers the opportunity to change experiences if they wish to. This is also in line with Google's best practices which recommend to website owners that visitors can always navigate to regional variations of your site.
If you use international pricing, what you can be assured of is that if a US buyer tries to check out in Canadian dollars, for example, we will switch their pricing to USD at checkout. So your buyers should never be able to "cheat" your pricing system, and the price you set for each country/region is honoured in the relevant currency.
Let me know if this doesn't make sense!
Cole | Product @Shopify
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make sense ' not A clue
Hello. Ok, so a few point to fully understand. I sell in Germany and Spain, different prices but same currency. Lets say I have product A that sells at 90€ in Spain and 100€ in Germany. My questions is:
a) my German customer will see the prices straight for them or is there a strange change in the payment gate? I presume that straight ahead they only see the German price if they are from Germany.
b) If a German customer buying from Germany wants to buy a product from spain how can I block the price so they don't buy at a lower price? this is, German prices only for Germany, Spanish prices only for Spain and so on.
Thanks a lot
Thanks for the question @IRP.
What we'd recommend doing is using our Geolocation app. This will recommend to your customers from Germany, France, and anywhere else you offer local pricing, to switch to their local version of your site. This changes the currency, language (if applicable) and pricing at the same time.
If a German customer switches back to Spain, for example, once they get to checkout and try to ship to Germany, the 100EUR price will be enforced based on their shipping address automatically.
Hope this helps!
Cole | Product @Shopify
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Hi Cole,
If I understand correctly, if I wanted to set a specific price per website then we would need to be on the Advanced or Plus plan, and on the Shopify plan you can only set an exchange rate and price adjustment per country?
Also does this work with other payment providers or only Shopify Payments? We have websites on different domains for several countries (.de, .es. .fr) and we would like to offer local payment methods. But for example Shopify Payments doesn't offer SOFORT for merchants outside of Germany while other providers like Stripe and Mollie do.
@JeffW it only works if you use "Shopify Payments". It doesn't work for any 3rd party payment gateway.
Hi @coleatkinson can you give us an idea of when this solution will extend to:
Cole | Product @Shopify
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Thanks for the reply @coleatkinson!
Fingers crossed the manual payments issue gets resolved promptly.
And thanks for the direction to that report!
Thanks. We are ready to launch our App. It works under the "usage charge" approach. Do we need a solution like this one?
Cole | Product @Shopify
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Thanks for the reply. Sorry for the lack of clarity. Let me try to explain better to see if you could help us or point us in the right direction.
We built an app and the idea is to make money under the "Usage Charge" approach. Thus, we will make a % of the merchant proceeds. That % is fixed and it works with any merchant that downloads our app. Shopify collects the money and then Shopify pays us. Based on the foregoing, we were assuming that we could operate with any merchant in the world. Then, we saw your posting. We are wondering if we have to limit our launch to companies in the USA and Canada only.
Please let us know if you could help us or point u to the right person in Shopify to discuss. Thanks.
Cole | Product @Shopify
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Hi Cole,
May I know how the international pricing work in the shipping setting?
my website base currency price is in GBP.
For example, if I would offer free shipping to US/Canada on all orders above 60 usd
and free shipping to Europe countries on orders above 50 Euro
How would I set this in the shipping setting for International checkout via Shopify payment?
Look forward to hearing from you soon.
Hi. I'm hoping this is the right place to post a question on this topic.
I’m in the UK and to get around the Brexit issues I have taken a Netherlands warehouse and set up a .eu version of my store selling in Euros to numbers of EU countries..
I have read this article which (if I’ve understood correctly) explains that Shopify takes the store home address country, removes vat to find the base product price; and then adds back vat depending on whatever country a visitor is from; and presents that new retail price on the website for that country.
The problem with this is that the ex vat price is fixed for all countries, and when the vat is added it creates awful mathematically-driven price points in the non-home country. There seems no flexibility to play with the final retail prices. Although if I could that would effectively mean changing the ex vat price by country.
At the end of the article it says this “ If you set specific product prices using international pricing, then add your prices at exactly the amount you want them to be charged. Adjustments are not made to specific prices per region.” Is this article saying that there’s a different methodology that would allow me to put in specific prices by country and by variant? Is that still within the above “include or exclude tax based on customers country” set up, or a different one?
Although it says one needs the advance Shopify plan, and I am on the Shopify plan, I think.
Or is there another way?
Hey Cole,
This seems like it may solve the multiple website headache I've been trying to get through. I have one question on functionality though.
I run a Canadian shop and have been charging anyone outside of Canada different (slightly higher) prices on our USA/International site.
If I try to run everything through my Canadian shop and price adjust, is there anyway to change the price for essentially a "rest of world" region like the shipping options or is it country specific?
I could alternately just route Canadians through our USD/international site and lower the price for them but 70% of my business is Canadian and to pay Shopify's conversion fees on my local audience to change their transactions to USD will cost way too much.
Any insight is appreciated!
I just upgraded the plan from Basic to Shopify. But the "Price Adjustment" function is not workable. It's not allowed me to make any adjustments. Do you know if there are any missing settings?
Function does not work
Hi @jack228
You can take a look at this guide: or contact Shopify live chat support:
Hi @Anindita ,
I have reviewed the instruction, and after I upgraded the plan to the "Shopify Plan", the function of "Price Adjustment" is still hidden. I have already contacted the Shopify advisor and am waiting for their reply.
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