Translations dissapeared when I switched the default language from English, how can I recover

Translations dissapeared when I switched the default language from English, how can I recover

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Hi I built my store in originally English and added a translation to hebrew, and translated product content and alot of checkout settings,


I then tried to switch my default language to hebrew and then I lost all my translations. The checkout ones are still there but not the product or meta content.


How do I recover my product content translations, or at least roll back the store.



Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
40 6 19

Hi @DubyaJ we recently posted this video. This may help you understand what happened in your store.

Overall, when you switch your default language you should get a CSV export from Shopify of all your content. If you switch back to English (which may erase your checkout settings in Hebrew) you will be able to upload it again and have these translations back.


To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.