Translations of meta title and meta description

Translations of meta title and meta description

Shopify Partner
3 0 0


Could you please let me know how to translate meta title / meta description on Translate & Adapt ? 
I don't see anything on the app. 

Replies 6 (6)

Shopify Partner
29 3 7

You need to go to Store metadata -> Search engine listing

Shopify Partner
3 0 0

Thanks but what about pages / products meta data ? 

Shopify Staff
652 96 170

Hi @tamaragency , they only show in Translate & Adapt if you've edited them in the default resource. This is because they behave in the same way as they do on the default resources - the meta title and meta description inherit from the title and description. If you translate the title, the meta title inherits that translation. If you want to edit the meta title / description translations, you need to edit the default SEO content too (even by as little as adding a space) and then they'll show up in the T&A editor.

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

3 0 0

Hi, what is the purpose of this? Wouldnt it be easier to just show it in the translation app by default? Thanks

Shopify Staff
652 96 170

Hi @velorantis , in terms of user experience it behaves this way as it reflects how the default resource behaves. Most of the time no edits are made to the meta title / meta description because it inherits from the title / description, but it is possible to make edits if you want. The decision taken by the user there is reflected in Translate & Adapt's translations. In technical terms, it's because an editable translatable resource for the meta title / meta description isn't created until the default resource is edited.

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

1 0 0

Hi, is there a fast way to maybe bulk edit translations of Meta titles and descriptions as i am changing this for over 100 products?