Why are my SEO results showing in different languages?

Why are my SEO results showing in different languages?

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Skærmbillede 2024-04-03 135200.png

Hello 🙂

We have an issue with the SEO results after using Shopify's Translate & Adapt app. 

Right now we get mixed language results even though all of the pages have been translated. First five links are in danish, which is correct, but the last one "About us" is in english.

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Staff
652 96 170

Hi @Kasperdk1 , great product. How long ago did you do translate your store? I wonder if it's still indexing. Everything looks like it's been done right on your store (though on 'About us' you are missing a d on the end of tested). A suggestion would be to resubmit your site for indexing on Google Search Console.

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

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Hey 🙂

All of the sites are more than a month old. And we have made a submit for indexing multiple times.