Re: Shop not displaying in local language


Why isn't my online store showing up in different languages?

8 1 2

Hi everyone,

Hope, I can get some help here...

My shop is in English and I added German (as well as French and Spanish) as a translated language using the translate & adapt app. My geolocation app is activated too. But when a german speaking person in Switzerland, having all the settings and preferences on her device set to German, gets on the shop, everything is still displayed in English. How come? 


Would immensely appreciate any help! 



UPDATE: Problem resolved - thank you very much!! Don't know how to delete this post though....

Accepted Solution (1)

Shopify Staff
652 96 170

This is an accepted solution.

Good to hear you solved. For anyone else reading, in Markets > Preferences you'll see two settings under Auto-redirection: country/region redirection which uses IP location to change the country a buyer is shown (not language), and language redirection which redirects based on browser language (not IP). 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

View solution in original post

Replies 7 (7)

Shopify Staff
652 96 170

This is an accepted solution.

Good to hear you solved. For anyone else reading, in Markets > Preferences you'll see two settings under Auto-redirection: country/region redirection which uses IP location to change the country a buyer is shown (not language), and language redirection which redirects based on browser language (not IP). 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

8 1 2

Thank you very much ! Exactly 👍🏼 And this also wasn't obvious to me to see if it was on or off, because the switch is either in light black or dark black... Maybe colors like red & green or a "on" and "off" display would be helpful? Anyway, thanks a lot for the amazing support!

12 1 2

I'm also trying to get auto language redirection to work, without any luck so far. Got feedback that in order for this to work, all fields in the Translate and Adapt app need to be filled in explicitly, otherwise the redirect won't happen, even if the option is enabled. Any ideas if this is true, and was that also needed for the case described here? Thanks!

Shopify Staff
652 96 170

Hi @rvdp88 , it is not the case that for auto language redirection to work all fields in Translate & Adapt need to be filled in. Language redirection is independent of Translate & Adapt. Check all conditions at the bottom of the page here are met and you should be fine:


It's based on browser language. But if the user has previously used the site in a different language that gets stored as a cookie, so try in an incognito browser to test.

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

12 1 2

Thanks for getting back.


I have a shared domain with 2 markets (Belgium and The Netherlands). For each, Dutch is default language and English is available via /en.


l'm physically accessing from Belgium, using incognito mode and my browser is confirmed to be set to English, yet I'm not able to get auto-redirected to /en no matter what I try, despite the option being enabled.


Manually selecting English from the language selector dropdown menu is working.

I think all conditions are met, but 'having translating added' is a bit of a vague one to me... 

11 0 2

Hi! Rvdp, 

Ik loop precies tegen hetzelfde aan. Ik wil dat klanten in Duitsland automatisch mijn shop in het duits te zien krijgen met de prijsverhoging. Ik heb de translates toegevoegd, de markten goed gezet. Duits als voorkeurstaal en bij voorkeuren heb ik de vinkjes land/regio omleiding en taalomleiding aan gezet. Volgensmij staat alles goed . Echter als ik zelf met een vpn kijk of mensen in Duitsland vraag of mijn browser in het duits zet kom ik telkens op de Nederlandse site terecht. Als ik op de taal onderaan klik wijzigt het wel naar de gewenste taal alleen blijven de prijzen wel de Nederlandse prijzen. Heb je het toevallig al opgelost en zou je mij er mee kunnen helpen 🙂

12 1 2


Replying in English if you don't mind.

I've been discussing this with the Shopify Support team, and after much back and forth with their development team they have finally recognized that the auto language redirection feature is not working as expected. They will be making improvements to it, but I've not been given a time frame for this to be fixed. Perhaps you could also report it to them separately, so that the issue gets more visibility?


It's very unfortunate, because it pretty much means we cannot expand internationally...