distributor for Shopify in Korea

distributor for Shopify in Korea

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콘센트릭스코리아의 쇼피파이 사업담당자 입니다.



I am the Shopify business manager at Contrix Korea.

We are currently planning to start building and operating Shopify in the Korean market. There is no Shopify Korean geography in Japan. Therefore, there is no relationship with the Shopify business. Does the contact point indicate sales contact or partner partnerships? Thank you in advance for your reply.



내년부터 한국 시장에서 쇼피파이 구축과 운영 사업을 시작하려고 합니다.

아시다시피 한국에는 쇼피파이 한국 지사가 없습니다.

때문에 쇼피파이 사업관련하여 문의 할 곳도 마땅치 않은 상황입니다.

관련하여 세일즈 문의 또는 파트너 제휴 등을 문의할 창구가 있을까요?


답변 주실 분들에게 미리 감사의 인사를 드립니다.


Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
415 41 73

@chopify81seller  Hello, Thank you for reaching out. Shopify does not currently have a direct office in Korea, but for sales inquiries or partnership opportunities, you can contact Shopify’s Partner Program team through their official website. They can guide you on collaborations and setting up Shopify operations in the Korean market

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