App Owned Metaobject Access in Liquid

App Owned Metaobject Access in Liquid

Shopify Partner
11 0 6

Hi there!

I am working on building an app which creates custom metaobject definition and objects using the Admin API / GraphQL. I cannot figure out how to access it from my Theme App Extension / Embed? From the documentation (The Documentation), it seemed like I should be able to add the storefront access as seen below in the definition.


I verified via my API that I can create/edit/retrieve objects, and that they are set to published status 'ACTIVE'.



The definition is below:



  name: "xxxxxxxxxx",
  type: "$app:xxxxxxxxxx",
  description: "xxxxxxxxxx",
  fieldDefinitions: [
      description: "xxxxxxxxxx",
      key: "xxxxxxxxxx_json",
      name: "xxxxxxxxxx JSON",
      required: true,
      type: "json",
      validations: [],
  access: {
    admin: "MERCHANT_READ",
    storefront: "PUBLIC_READ",
  capabilities: {
    publishable: {
      enabled: true,
    translatable: {
      enabled: false,




I feel like I have tried every combination of liquid similar to the following:



{{ shop.metaobjects['type'].values }}
{{ app.metaobjects['type'].values }}
{{ shop.metaobjects['$app:type'].values }}
{{ app.metaobjects['$app:type'].values }}
{{ app.metafields.values }}



EDIT: Adding link to another developer's post explaining the exact issue wwe are seeing: How to access app owned meta object in theme app extensions's liquid file? 

Replies 5 (5)

Community Manager
3108 340 871


Hi  RiptideApps,


Have you tried this format to access an app's metafields in Liquid:

{{ app.metafields.namespace.key }}


Liam | Developer Advocate @ Shopify 
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Shopify Partner
11 0 6

So, based on this metaobject data (retrieved from GraphQL API), I tried the following combinations...

  capabilities: {
    publishable: {
      status: "ACTIVE",
  definition: {
    id: "gid://shopify/MetaobjectDefinition/XXXXXXX",
    name: "XXXXXXXXXXX",
    type: "app--XXXXXXXX--XXXXXXX_XXXX",
    access: {
      admin: "MERCHANT_READ",
      storefront: "PUBLIC_READ",
  fields: [
      value: "[{XXXX_JSON_DATA_XXXXX}]",
      key: "XXXX__KEY_NAME__XXXX_json",
  id: "gid://shopify/Metaobject/XXXXXXXXX",
  updatedAt: "2023-09-17T04:49:02Z",


    "{{ app.metafields.XXXX__METAOBJ_DEF_TYPE__XXXX.XXXX__KEY_NAME__XXXX.value | json }}",
    "{{ app.metafields.XXXX__METAOBJ_DEF_TYPE__XXXX.XXXX__KEY_NAME__XXXX}}",
    "{{ app.metafields.XXXX__METAOBJ_DEF_TYPE__XXXX.XXXX__KEY_NAME__XXXX.value }}",
    "{{ app.metafields.XXXX__METAOBJ_DEF_TYPE__XXXX.XXXX__KEY_NAME__XXXX | json }}"

** Note: I am NOT including the "$app:" prefix
**  or the "app-123456" prefix to any of the types above
Shopify Partner
4 0 1

did you find a solution for this problem? I'm in the same situation and can't find a solution

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

I ended up using 

{{ }}

 APP_ID is constant so there shouldn't be any problems. But yes, it's ugly.

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

We manage multiple custom apps and needed a more automated solution. We haven't found a simpler solution -there might be one-, so this is what we did:


1. Resolve your owned metafield namespace by querying the "currentAppInstallation" with the admin API:

query currentAppInstallation {
currentAppInstallation {
id # This will be used to set a metafield in a later mutation
app {
id # This is your app ID, that is part of the resolved namespace

then, the namespace will be `app--{}--{your-namespace}`.


2. Store it in a metafield in the `currentAppInstallation`:

mutation CreateAppDataMetafield($metafieldsSetInput: [MetafieldsSetInput!]!) {
metafieldsSet(metafields: $metafieldsSetInput) {
metafields {
userErrors {


"metafieldsSetInput": [
"namespace": "{your-namespace}",
"key": "meta_namespace",
"type": "single_line_text_field",
"value": "app--{}--{your-namespace},
"ownerId": {},


3. Finally, you can access from the liquid template your own metafields on other objects like this:



{% assign resolved_namespace = app.metafields.{your-namespace}.meta_namespace %}
{% assign your_metafield_value = block.settings.product.metafields[resolved_namespace].{your-metafield-key}.value %}



Hope it helps!