Conversations about creating, managing, and using metafields to store and retrieve custom data for apps and themes.
I try to use metafieldSet mutation but it doesn't work for onlineStorePage and onlineStoreArticle:
mutation metafieldsSet($metafields: [MetafieldsSetInput!]!) {
metafieldsSet(metafields: $metafields) {
metafields {
# Metafield fields
userErrors {
"metafields": {
"key": "test1",
"namespace": "global",
"ownerId": "gid://shopify/OnlineStorePage/6602811342925",
"type": "single_line_text_field",
"value": "123"
Return errors:
[{'message': 'invalid id', 'locations': [{'line': 2, 'column': 5}], 'path': ['metafieldsSet']}]
When I try to change the ownerId to
I try to use metafieldSet but it doesn't work for onlineStorePage and onlineStoreArticle
When I try to change the ownerId to "gid://shopify/Product/1234", it works again. Why doesn't it support these 2 resources?
It looks like metafieldsSet does not work for the following 3 ID formats. Is it a bug? Or should the format of these ID's be different?
Try with newer api versions, I'd the same issues with company gid and using 2023-01 api version I make my day!
OnlineStorePage still not working with 2023-04, error response persists.
Used the REST API instead.
It works now (but you still can't mutate actual articles)
Effective April 29, 2024
As of version 2024-07 of the GraphQL Admin API, you can use the Metafield and MetafieldDefinition connections in the OnlineStoreArticle, OnlineStoreBlog, and OnlineStorePage objects.
Previously, you could only do this using the REST API.