Conversations about creating, managing, and using metafields to store and retrieve custom data for apps and themes.
I have created an Order metaobject to store data that is driven by my custom built theme powering my Shopify shop front. The idea behind this approach is to store things such customer preferences (e.g. a charity ID per product for an order).
Is it even possible to edit metaobject from a shopfront? If not, I assume the only way would be to build a custom API with access to the GraphQL api which can handle such requests
Any advice is greatly appreciate.
I'm not in front of my computer but hopefully I can help.
Yes, this is correct. An easy way to do this is to make these with CURL. If you have a app with Shopify CLI 3 you can use NPM RUN DEV and press G to open graphiql in a webpage.
Apologises for the delayed response. Thanks for your input.
I was able to utilise the cart attributes field to populate the required data that can be used in my backend system.