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Re: Metafield post only show the first 30

Metafield post only show the first 30

New Member
12 0 0

I am trying to post 100 metafields but only 30 show up.

I get a response for each one, nothing seems wrong to me. But only the first 30 show up.

Here is a response for one that was added

[20-07-04 17:26:43:931 PDT] {"metafield":{"id":5410817802404,"namespace":"designs","key":"preview_file","value":"Test/test-preview-postcard-email.html","description":"file for user to preview their customization","owner_resource":"product","value_type":"string"}}
[20-07-04 17:26:44:205 PDT] {"metafield":{"id":14508550684836,"namespace":"designs","key":"preview_file","value":"Test\/test-preview-postcard-email.html","value_type":"string","description":"file for user to preview their customization","owner_id":41456140452,"created_at":"2020-07-04T16:56:41-07:00","updated_at":"2020-07-04T16:56:41-07:00","owner_resource":"shop","admin_graphql_api_id":"gid:\/\/shopify\/Metafield\/14508550684836"}}

Here is a response for one that was NOT added.


[20-07-04 17:12:02:616 PDT] {"metafield":{"id":5410817802404,"namespace":"designs","key":"variant3_print_file2","value":"Test/test-postcard-back.html","description":"side print file","owner_resource":"product","value_type":"string"}}
[20-07-04 17:12:02:851 PDT] {"metafield":{"id":14501719310500,"namespace":"designs","key":"variant3_print_file2","value":"Test\/test-postcard-back.html","value_type":"string","description":"side print file","owner_id":41456140452,"created_at":"2020-07-03T18:05:14-07:00","updated_at":"2020-07-03T18:05:14-07:00","owner_resource":"shop","admin_graphql_api_id":"gid:\/\/shopify\/Metafield\/14501719310500"}}



Any thougths on how to troubleshoot this?

Replies 4 (4)

New Member
12 0 0

Sorry, I realized that those 30 were not from my api calls, but another app. None of the posts are going to the site. Any clue?

Shopify Partner
4853 60 569

It would help if you posted your code. No one can help you if you don't at least share some idea of how you are trying to add a metafield. Secondly, when you make a call and it fails, there is almost always a reason in the response error message. Have you examined your responses? What do they contain?


Custom Shopify Apps built just for you! hunkybill@gmail.com http://www.resistorsoftware.com
New Member
12 0 0

Figured it out, thanks!

New Member
12 0 0

BTW the issue was that I was sending them to the shop instead of product. This was evident in the responses I posted.