Conversations about creating, managing, and using metafields to store and retrieve custom data for apps and themes.
I can update an order with a metafield value that does not have a definition. If I then try to create an app definition using my app reserved namespace and key Shopify will return user errors that it already exists.
mutation metafieldDefinitionCreate($definition: MetafieldDefinitionInput!) { metafieldDefinitionCreate(definition: $definition) { createdDefinition { id } userErrors { code field message } } }
"userErrors": [ { "code": "UNSTRUCTURED_ALREADY_EXISTS", "field": [ "definition" ], "message": "Namespace and key is already in use for a set of your metafields." } ]
However, the metafield will remain invisible to the merchant and the app owner when running this query.
query metafieldDefinitionsget { metafieldDefinitions(first: 100, ownerType: ORDER) { edges { node { id pinnedPosition name namespace ownerType key } } } }
App developers need a way to create metafield definitions for the metafield values their app set.
The bug was previously surfaced six month ago here.