Conversations about creating, managing, and using metafields to store and retrieve custom data for apps and themes.
I am able to create a product/variant with metafields in the GraphQl Playground:
mutation CreateShopifyVirtualProduct($productInput: ProductInput!) {
productCreate(input: $productInput) {
product {
userErrors {
=== Query Variables ===========
"title": "NIKE - 449788022",
"descriptionHtml": "MEN'S SHOES 42-MENS L/S TEES",
"productType": "",
"vendor": "NIKE",
"options": ["size", "width"],
"metafields": [
"namespace": "smp_product_attr",
"key": "smp_product_key_1",
"value": "smp_product_key_1_value",
"type": "single_line_text_field"
"variants": [
"price": "39.99",
"sku": "38536314-0acb-4d3f-b8ff-a0f2014d2c75",
"weight": 1,
"weightUnit": "OUNCES",
"options": ["42", "L/S"],
"metafields": [
"namespace": "smp_variant_attr",
"key": "smp_variant_key_1",
"value": "smp_variant_key_1_value",
"type": "single_line_text_field"
"namespace": "smp_variant_attr",
"key": "smp_variant_key_2",
"value": "smp_variant_key_2_value",
"type": "single_line_text_field"
When I try to duplicate this action in my code, I receive the following Graphql error:
Error: GraphQL error: Variable $productInput of type ProductInput! was provided invalid value for metafields.0.type (Field is not defined on MetafieldInput), variants.0.metafields.0.type (Field is not defined on MetafieldInput), variants.0.metafields.1.type (Field is not defined on MetafieldInput)
I believe I am pointing to the correct endpoint ==>
My getSubscriptionUrl.js file:
const response = await fetch(`https://${shop}/admin/api/2021-07/graphql.json`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
"X-Shopify-Access-Token": accessToken,
body: query
I can create products in my code if I remove the metafield object. It feels as though I am reaching an older version of the Graphql server. Any thoughts of what I may be doing wrong? Thanks, Tom
Solved! Go to the solution
This is an accepted solution.
Thank you -- a version mismatch FEELS like the root cause of my problem.
I will use your valuable "2020-07" information and scour my code.
Thanks again; I will close this one out.
This is an accepted solution.
Though my SubscriptionURL had been updated to "2021-10",
I missed a separate Graphql Proxy. It had a value of "July20" & not (2020-07), thus I had difficulty locating it.
I updated the @Shopify/koa-shopify-graphql-proxy": "^6.0.1", from the earlier "4.1.0",
then changed the version:
server.use(graphQLProxy({ version: "2021-01" }));
... and all was resolved. Thanks for your help !
My first guess was going to be an API version mismatch. The type field was only added in 2021-07, and GraphQL Playground likely defaults to the latest stable API version so it would work there.
However, your example code did show you using https://${shop}/admin/api/2021-07/graphql.json which is correct. I looked in our logs for requests matching yours and saw a few failing ones where you used version 2020-07 (2020, not 2021) which would explain the failures. However, I also saw successful requests made once you switched to 2021-07 so it looks like you figured this problem out?
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Oh sorry, the successful requests I was seeing were from the Shopify GraphiQL App.
However, every single request I'm seeing from your own app has `2020-07` as the version in the URL. There must be some disconnect between the code snippet you posted here and the actual code used to make the request. I'm sorry I can't really offer more help, but `type` will definitely work if you're using version 2021-07 and newer.
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
This is an accepted solution.
Thank you -- a version mismatch FEELS like the root cause of my problem.
I will use your valuable "2020-07" information and scour my code.
Thanks again; I will close this one out.
This is an accepted solution.
Though my SubscriptionURL had been updated to "2021-10",
I missed a separate Graphql Proxy. It had a value of "July20" & not (2020-07), thus I had difficulty locating it.
I updated the @Shopify/koa-shopify-graphql-proxy": "^6.0.1", from the earlier "4.1.0",
then changed the version:
server.use(graphQLProxy({ version: "2021-01" }));
... and all was resolved. Thanks for your help !