Conversations about creating, managing, and using metafields to store and retrieve custom data for apps and themes.
Hello, everybody,
I need a little help, for an app I want to keep data in the Metafields Shop, how can I create several Metafields with one post, like for example with products?
Thanks a lot
I see where we can query the shop metafields, like this. But not where there's any mutation to add/modify them?
shop {
metafields(first: 5) {
edges {
node {
Hello Greg_Quawa,
reading the metafields is no problem with this query. The question is how I can create several at once.
I don't see any way to create a single Metafield value in the Shop endpoint, much less a series of them. If you look at the Shopify GraphQL API documentation the Shop endpoint isn't listed as having mutations available. So, unless a Shopify staffer can comment differently, I don't think you can.