Conversations about creating, managing, and using metafields to store and retrieve custom data for apps and themes.
We use metaobjects to store and display offline store locations in our online store. We have a total of 66 stores. I have them in 11 groups based on location, and retrieving one group at a time using where condition.
{% assign store_locations = shop.metaobjects.store_locations.values | where: 'group_name', | sort: 'order' %}
I am randomly missing some rows in the groups on the frontend. For example, I have 3 records in a group. But when the above query only returns 1 record. Overall I am missing 16 records. Any new records I create are also not showing up.
We have been struggling now for several days with this problem. Any inputs to resolve it is highly appreciated.
JSON also shows less records. Missing records do not appear.