Conversations about creating, managing, and using metafields to store and retrieve custom data for apps and themes.
Hi! Thanks for looking this and coming forward to help me.
Iam trying to create a metafield creation or updation app in shopity.
I have set all and the Remix app is working but the problem is iam using graphql admin to update metafield and create definition if not exists.
But it created the metafield but not sowing in the products page. if i add /metafield.json to the product url then its showing it as a json in browser.
How to make them visible and pinned from remix app in shopify.
Problem faced:
- I will check if the metafield is already defined if not i will define it by mutation.
- After that i will update the key, value with the user fed values.
- It is in unstructured metafiels in settings->custom_data. But its not showing in the products page by default after adding the metafield.
- But if i add metafields.json to the product page's url then it is showing it as a json in browser.
I have attached the screenshots of the error below:
Code Used:
import { json } from '@remix-run/node'; import { useLoaderData, useParams, useFetcher } from '@remix-run/react'; import { Page, Layout, Card, Text, Button, Toast, Frame } from '@shopify/polaris'; import { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import { authenticate } from '../shopify.server'; export const loader = async ({ params, request }) => { console.log("Loader function triggered"); const requestId = params.requestId; const { admin } = await authenticate.admin(request); console.log("Authenticated admin object:", admin); const shopQuery = `{ shop { id name email } }`; try { console.log("Fetching shop details using GraphQL query"); const response = await admin.graphql(shopQuery); const shop = await response.json(); console.log("Shop data received:", shop); if (! || ! { throw new Error('Shop data is missing'); } const shopId =; console.log("Shop ID:", shopId); const requestResponse = await fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ request_id: requestId, customer_id: shopId, }), }); console.log("Request to external API sent"); if (!requestResponse.ok) { throw new Error(`Request failed with status ${requestResponse.status}`); } const requestData = await requestResponse.json(); console.log("External API response received:", requestData); if (requestData && requestData.product_metada_data) { console.log("Product metadata found:", requestData.product_metada_data); return json({ requestData: requestData.product_metada_data, }); } throw new Error("Invalid response structure or missing product metadata data"); } catch (error) { console.error("Error in loader:", error.message); return json({ requestData: null, error: error.message, }); } }; export const action = async ({ request }) => { console.log("Action function triggered"); const formData = await request.formData(); const productId = formData.get("productId"); const productData = formData.get("productData"); console.log("Received productId:", productId); console.log("Received productData:", productData); const parsedProductData = JSON.parse(productData); console.log("Parsed product data:", parsedProductData); const metafields = Object.entries(parsedProductData) .filter(([key, value]) => value && value.trim() !== "" && !['request_id', 'customer_id', 'image_name', 'image_link', 'ondc_domain', 'product_id', 'ondc_item_id', 'seller_id', 'product_name', 'product_source', 'gen_product_id', 'scan_type'].includes(key)) .map(([key, value]) => ({ namespace: 'custom_data', key, value, type: 'single_line_text_field', })); console.log("Prepared metafields for mutation:", metafields); const defineMetafields = async () => { try { const { admin } = await authenticate.admin(request); for (const metafield of metafields) { const queryCheckDefinition = ` { metafieldDefinitions(first: 1, query: "${metafield.key}", ownerType: PRODUCT) { edges { node { id name } } } } `; const resultCheck = await admin.graphql(queryCheckDefinition); console.log(`Metafield definition check for ${metafield.key}:`, resultCheck); if ( && === 0) { console.log(`Creating metafield definition for ${metafield.key}`); const mutationCreateDefinition = ` mutation CreateMetafieldDefinition { metafieldDefinitionCreate( definition: { name: "${metafield.key}", namespace: "${metafield.namespace || 'custom_data'}", key: "${metafield.key}", description: "${metafield.description || ''}", type: "${metafield.type || 'single_line_text_field'}", ownerType: PRODUCT, "access": { "admin": "MERCHANT_READ_WRITE", "storefront": "PUBLIC_READ" } } ) { createdDefinition { id name } userErrors { field message code } } } `; const resultCreate = await admin.graphql(mutationCreateDefinition); console.log(`Metafield definition creation result for ${metafield.key}:`, resultCreate); if ( { => { console.error(`Error creating definition for ${metafield.key}:`, error.message); }); } else { console.log(`Definition created for ${metafield.key} with ID:`,; } } } } catch (error) { console.error("Error while defining metafields:", error.message); } }; await defineMetafields(); const skipFields = ['request_id', 'customer_id', 'image_name', 'image_link', 'ondc_domain', 'product_id', 'ondc_item_id', 'seller_id', 'product_name', 'product_source', 'gen_product_id', 'scan_type']; const metafieldsString = metafields .filter(({ key }) => !skipFields.includes(key)) .map(({ namespace, key, value, type }) => ` { namespace: "${namespace}", key: "${key}", value: "${value}", type: "${type}" } `).join(', '); console.log(metafieldsString); const mutation = ` mutation UpdateProductMetafield{ productUpdate( input: { id: "${productId}", metafields: [${metafieldsString}] } ) { product { id } userErrors { field message } } } `; try { const { admin } = await authenticate.admin(request); console.log("Admin authentication successful, sending mutation"); const result = await admin.graphql(mutation); console.log("Mutation result:", result); if (result.errors) { console.error("Mutation errors:", result.errors); return json({ success: false, message: 'Failed to apply metafields' }); } console.log("Metafields applied successfully"); return json({ success: true, message: 'Metafields applied successfully!', res:JSON.stringify(result)}); } catch (error) { console.error("Error during mutation:", error.message); return json({ success: false, message: 'Error during mutation: ' + error.message }); } }; export default function MetaView() { const { requestId } = useParams(); const { requestData, error } = useLoaderData(); const fetcher = useFetcher(); const [toastActive, setToastActive] = useState(false); const [toastMessage, setToastMessage] = useState(''); console.log("MetaView component loaded with requestId:", requestId); useEffect(() => { if ( && { console.log("Fetcher response received:",; setToastMessage(; setToastActive(true); } }, []); const handleApply = async (product) => { console.log(product); const productId = product.gen_product_id; console.log("Applying metafields for product:", productId); fetcher.submit( { productId, productData: JSON.stringify(product), }, { method: 'post' } ); console.log("Submit request sent for product:", productId); }; const toastMarkup = toastActive ? ( <Toast content={toastMessage} onDismiss={() => setToastActive(false)} /> ) : null; return ( <Frame> <Page title={`Request ID: ${requestId}`}> <Layout> <Layout.Section> <Card title="Request Details"> {error ? ( <Text size="small" color="critical"> Error fetching request details: {error} </Text> ) : ( <div> <p>Details for Request ID: {requestId}</p> {requestData ? ( => ( <div key={product.gen_product_id} style={styles.flexContainer}> <div style={styles.applyButton}> <Button onClick={() => handleApply(product)}>Apply</Button> </div> <div style={styles.imageContainer}> <img src={product.image_link} alt={product.product_name} style={styles.image} /> </div> <Text size="large" element="h2">{product.product_name}</Text> <div style={styles.detailsContainer}> {Object.entries(product).map(([key, value]) => { if (value && value.trim() !== "" && !['product_name', 'gen_product_id', 'image_link'].includes(key)) { return ( <div key={key} style={styles.detailItem}> <strong>{key.replace(/_/g, ' ')}:</strong> {value} </div> ); } return null; })} </div> </div> )) ) : ( <Text size="small" color="subdued"> No product metadata available. </Text> )} </div> )} </Card> </Layout.Section> </Layout> </Page> {toastMarkup} </Frame> ); } const styles = { flexContainer: { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', marginBottom: '1rem', }, applyButton: { marginRight: '1rem', }, imageContainer: { width: '120px', height: '120px', overflow: 'hidden', marginRight: '1rem', }, image: { width: '100%', height: '100%', objectFit: 'cover', }, detailsContainer: { flexGrow: 1, }, detailItem: { marginBottom: '0.5rem', }, };
Thank you! Have a great day!