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Upload File pdf API

Upload File pdf API

Shopify Partner
17 0 3

Hi all. I'm using a Custom Data field to allow to upload a PDF file each product on their Shopify store. The file is going to be downloadable from each product page.


I would like to write a function in C# to upload files via the API but I can't understand what the correct procedure is.


This is my code example (it doesn't work):


        public async Task UploadFile(byte[] fileContent, string fileName)
            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                var requestUri = $"https://{_shopifyStoreUrl}/admin/api/2023-10/files.json";
                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-Shopify-Access-Token", _accessToken);

                var content = new MultipartFormDataContent();
                var fileContentContent = new ByteArrayContent(fileContent);
                fileContentContent.Headers.ContentDisposition = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("form-data")
                    Name = "\"file\"",
                    FileName = $"\"{fileName}\""

                var response = await client.PostAsync(requestUri, content);

Can you help me understand where I'm wrong?


The response is: "StatusCode: 406, ReasonPhrase: 'Not Acceptable'"


Thanks a lot.

Replies 9 (9)

Shopify Staff
1831 273 421

Hey @MarcoIngShop,


I can't speak to the C# code specifically but can point you in the right direction. I don't think there's a `/files` endpoint - but you should be able to create a file with this (GraphQL) mutation.

Scott | Developer Advocate @ Shopify 

Shopify Partner
17 0 3

Thank you for your suggestion. I understood that the operation must be done in 2 steps.


The first is GenerateUploadUrl and then upload. 


I think I managed to do the first step but then it fails when I send the file.


I have upload url and parameters.


Could you help me understand where the error is in the second step?


This is my code:

public async Task<string> GenerateUploadUrlAndUploadFile(string fileName, byte[] fileContent)
    var uploadDetails = await GenerateUploadUrl(fileName, fileContent.Length);
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uploadDetails))
        throw new Exception("Unable to generate upload URL.");

    // Estrai i dettagli di caricamento dalla risposta
    var uploadData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JObject>(uploadDetails);
    var uploadUrl = uploadData["data"]["stagedUploadsCreate"]["stagedTargets"][0]["url"].ToString();
    var uploadParameters = uploadData["data"]["stagedUploadsCreate"]["stagedTargets"][0]["parameters"].ToObject<List<Dictionary<string, string>>>();

    // Prepara la richiesta di caricamento
    var requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, uploadUrl)
        Content = new ByteArrayContent(fileContent)

    // Imposta i parametri come header della richiesta
    foreach (var parameter in uploadParameters)
        requestMessage.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation(parameter["name"], parameter["value"]);

    // Esegui la richiesta di caricamento
    var uploadResult = await _httpClient.SendAsync(requestMessage);
    if (!uploadResult.IsSuccessStatusCode)
        Console.WriteLine("Failed to upload file. Response content: " + responseContent); 
        throw new Exception("Failed to upload file. Status: " + uploadResult.StatusCode);

    // Restituisci l'URL della risorsa caricata o un'altra informazione rilevante
    return uploadResult.Headers.Location.ToString();

private async Task<string> GenerateUploadUrl(string fileName, long fileSize)
    var mutation = @"
    mutation stagedUploadsCreate($input: [StagedUploadInput!]!) {
        stagedUploadsCreate(input: $input) {
            stagedTargets {
                parameters {

    var variables = new
        input = new[]
            resource = "FILE", 
            filename = fileName,
            mimeType = "application/pdf",
            httpMethod = "POST",
            fileSize = fileSize.ToString()

    var requestBody = new
        query = mutation,
        variables = variables

    var requestContent = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(requestBody), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

    _httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-Shopify-Access-Token", _accessToken);

    var response = await _httpClient.PostAsync($"https://{_shopifyStoreUrl}/admin/api/2023-10/graphql.json", requestContent);
    var responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

    return response.IsSuccessStatusCode ? responseString : null;



Shopify Staff
1831 273 421

Hey @MarcoIngShop 


Are you able to capture the request ID from the respond headers? This will let me examine the logs.

Scott | Developer Advocate @ Shopify 

Shopify Partner
17 0 3

X-GUploader-UploadID --> ABPtcPqz1u45k2z5XfYw5nAdUtiIcSiOMp3mvHZ8spxt2_MB3PlIus6aMscZ73SIoVfc_tA1kxcXZCt7oQ

Shopify Partner
17 0 3

I thik that this is the point "critical".


I would like to understand if I have to make a put or a post and if the parameters I send are correct (if they go in the header or in the body).


            //Load File
            var formContent = new MultipartFormDataContent();
            foreach (var parameter in uploadParameters)
                formContent.Add(new StringContent(parameter["value"]), parameter["name"]);
            string base64String = Convert.ToBase64String(fileContent);
            formContent.Add(new StringContent(base64String),"data");
            formContent.Add(new StringContent(fileName), "filename");
            //formContent.Add(new ByteArrayContent(fileContent), "data", fileName);
            //formContent.Add(new ByteArrayContent(fileContent),"data");
            //HttpContent httpContent = new HttpContent();

            var uploadResult = await _httpClient.PostAsync(uploadUrl, formContent);
            if (!uploadResult.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                throw new Exception("Failed to upload file.");


Shopify Staff
1831 273 421

I can't speak to the code directly, but this article breaks down the steps - maybe try running through this first: https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/online-store/media/products#generate-the-upload-url-and-parameters


It's specifically for product media, so difference would be:

- you would specify `FILE` for the `StagedUploadTargetGenerateUploadResource`

after uploading the file, you can add the file to the Files page in Shopify admin using the fileCreate mutation.

Scott | Developer Advocate @ Shopify 

Shopify Partner
17 0 3

This article is missing the example in "UPLOAD SECTION" of when a generic "FILE" type must be uploaded (in my case a PDF) so I can't understand if the request must be of type POST or PUT and where (and how) the parameters should be passed.


Can you tell me if for a generic FILE (pdf) type the request must be POST OR PUT and how the parameters should be passed?


In the first step I followed the instructions by putting the type "FILE" and I received the correct parameters but when it says to upload I tried various ways without success.


Thanks a lot.

Shopify Staff
1831 273 421

Hey @MarcoIngShop 


Just tried it out - we could use better docs on the process 😅 I had success with the following method:


1. Generate a staged upload URL

mutation generateStagedUploads {
  stagedUploadsCreate(input: [
      filename: "example.pdf",
      mimeType: "application/pdf",
      resource: FILE
    stagedTargets {
      parameters {
    userErrors {
      field, message

2. Upload the file (A PUT request to `data.stagedUploadsCreate.stagedTargets.url` from step 1. If you want to test in Postman here's an example screenshot.

3. If you get a 200 OK from step 2, then you can use the `fileCreate` mutation to add the file to the 'files' section of the admin. You only need to pass the originalSource param, which is the `data.stagedUploadsCreate.stagedTargets.url` value from step one without any of the params.

  "files": [
      "originalSource": "https://shopify-staged-uploads.storage.googleapis.com/tmp/.../example.pdf"


Let me know how you go!

Scott | Developer Advocate @ Shopify 

Shopify Partner
17 0 3

Can you check the log for this request:


X-GUploader-UploadID: ABPtcPqgQzIR9moKLvUInt0f35gTM7dK1NMGRDfIT2mEa1iEyUaGLDWVfniZHVTqTIeasppOz0s
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2023 20:26:05 GMT
Server: UploadServer
Alt-Svc: h3=":443"; ma=2592000
Alt-Svc: h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 25


Thanks a lot.